Sunday, October 14, 2012
Thinking again
Well I have been thinking again here for the household totally. Since I have everything switched over as of Friday here I feel somewhat better about it all. Now I will not worry about somethings at all when I go to clean here since I am the one that gets stuck with that part of things anyway here for the household. Even my Husband agreed with me here that I did the right thing on getting some of the items needed for the house here stocked up at a very low price at the time here. Ok so it took someone to dump me on the curb totally here to get things really done for the place along with not being cut down for what I was doing also at the time. Now at this point in time here I can say that some things will get cheaper here without some people coming over all of the time and I am thankfull for that part of things here in the household totally. So as I sit here and think on what I can do to cut the costs more here totally for the place here and will think on it all this week it should not be that bad at all. Also I know now that I can go without some things during the day here when I am home alone. So now some things will not be turned on untill about 5 pm here in the household if at all 5 days a week. With that being said the pwoer bill will come down at my cost here totally and some will have to deal with it out of me from now on. Since my Husband has got a good look here in the household and seen what I was trying to do here also he got mad about me turning off lights on him all day yesterday. Now at this time here since I have been turning things off for longer periods of time along with looking over the budget here yet again it will drive some folks nuts in what I am about to do for the place. As I told my Grandmother yesterday why should I drive here unless I go for a huge shopping trip and or if it is to far for me to walk here also. This is what some have not got about in what I have done and willing to do here also. Since I figure to save on gas for my truck here I may as well walk as much as I can also. Another thing here is that I have been trying to stay out of the stores also here as much as possible. That part is on me also for the place. That goes along with streaching in what I have here in the house that is left. Who needs to use the full amount of things that the bottle says that we should for anything in a household. It is all a gimmick to go out and buy more anyway. With that being said that is why alot of things stick around my place here without a problem at all. Since I have no help at all from others like my cousins do at this time this is alot of the reason of why I streach out everything that I can for the household.