Saturday, October 27, 2012
Thinking again
Well I will say that I have been thinking again here for the place. The bad part about about thinking is that I am stocked up on the pet supplies once again thanks to some of the stores here totally. Since we are going to get alot of rain and maybe snow for this up coming week I figured may as well get while the gettings good totally. With the one raido program that I try to listen to in the afternoons here in the area one caller reminded me I better get the bird seed along with the dog food here for the household before I really refuse to get out and drive all week here. So now let the big tree come down if it wants to and I will tell the city here once ya get it cut up throw it into my drive way here after ya get done. May as well here totally. So now that I do not have to worry that much here for the place at all at this point in time I am all set on alot of things without the hassles that others have. With some people worrying about what goes on with the weather and shopping once a week this is why the store shelves go bare when we get a good storm coming threw the area. I know that some people do not think at all at this point of the what ifs that come up. With that being said here I guess this is why I try to have things on hand for the household at all times totally. When I first started of being stocked up for the place was years ago and tackeled a huge job that it all was. There were extra can goods to get, soaps, some meats, flour, rice, pasta, and many other things to hold the place over if anything happened weather or job wise at the time. Of course it drove the neighbors nuts along with afew others in what I was doing also and on the cheap. All I could do was laugh about it at the time and tell some people no when they came over to beg for food. It takes some planning along with looking for the best deals out at the stores to get stocked up for the household. With that being said here this is why I ended up with extra cabnets at the trailer and moved them to the house also along with the travel of over 1200 miles to get another cabnet for the household also last year. The funny part of it was that when I got it into the house here I had to take the dirty laundry out of it along with cleaning it up also before I got things into it here and one person telling me that I was just plain out wrong for getting the cabnet at the time. I shook my head at the person and said fine what ever here along with you'll see after this bout. Since I had brought back food while I was at it at dirt cheap prices compaired to NY State's standards last year it all worked out and had more room for alot more also at the time to put in the one cabnet. I started laughing when the pasta went into one drawer along with the sugar in the other drawer, the sharp knives in another, and an extra drawer for something else that was here in the place. This is what some did not get at all is that I had the space then for the dang thing along with getting extra space in the kitchen from things cleared out that went into the cabnet. So with that part done and still here this is what has helped with keeping the back stock on alot of things for the household in food. Another thing that I did lastnight here was hit the bargin rack at the back of the store while I was there along with good deals and points on my one card here. There are always ways to save nomatter where you are at in any store period. When I tried to explain this to some while I was in Illinois they did not get in why I only spent 8 dollars while I was at Kmart at all. Since I knew that the points were about ready to expire at the time I used almost 100 dollars worth of them while I was there. It hurt the cashier more than it did me at that point since I knew what I needed also. The extras did not hurt since I can still use them also now for the place and myself. May as well be cheap and have it when things are at rock bottom prices.