Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Thinking again
Well at this point in time here I had most of yesterday to think of what to do for the household. My Husband was shocked when he walked in with everything unplugged and just the radio was on here for the place. This is what happends when the weekends there are many lights on here along with other things here in the place. Also while I was at it all here some will learn that are in the house at this time that it takes very little to keep me happy. So it was one of the days that my Husband can freak out on totally here and go with it. Since I did not get to everything yesterday here I will get to it today. This is totally normal out of myself. Once I think of it all for the place I can get it alot cheaper without a problem at all from now on. This means that I will start thinking on what needs to be done here and how much it will cost me to do so from now on. With that being said here at this time I will be shopping at places that people turn their noses up at all of the time. I have noticed that when I am out at some of the cheaper stores here some of the older folks are looking at me wierd since I am shopping where the prices are better than the big name stores out in the area. All I can do is laugh about it here and keep doing what I have to here to keep the household going. That goes along with not using hardly any power here for the household and to use less of everything that is left in the place. Also if I have to burn wood here more often to keep the gas bill down along with it I will be doing that here along with other things. The nice thing about this is that I can keep busy here totally without a problem at all. With yesterday I was not happy at all since my Husband thinks that it is ok to leave every stinking light on nomatter what time of day it is at this point. I told him straight out ya gotta turn off things period if you are not going to be in the room with the lights on. He looked at me and laughed about the comment totally. So I guess during the week I will have to suffer thru going without here totally. That is about the only thing that I can do at this point in time here totally to get the bills down here. So now here I can get this done and will do what I have to do in order to get things where they should be for the place. Also when I can get the money up for another trip down to PA I will do alot of the shopping down there for the dry bulk of things here for the household while I am at it. It will all work out for the best by the time I am done for the place. So let me see in what I can get done for the day here and where I land up totally.