Monday, October 22, 2012
Shaking my head
Well 2 pick up loads of wood and we have another 2 to get out of the one place that we got the free wood at. With that being said I know in what I will be doing next weekend here also for the household here. That is the bad part of things around the place besides another long week here again. So it makes me wander in what my Husband was thinking last night here when he did not turn off the outside light again for the 50th time this year. Yes it drives me nuts here when he does that along with driving up the power bill for the place. So I guess I will pay for it this week by keeping everything off at night here for the week again. Also at least towards the end of the week here I will get all of the laundry out on the lines to help out with that part of things here. Since I had planned that it would be a mess this past weekend here and it turned out that way anyway besides in what I did to help save money for the place. Anyway now with this week here for the place I will figure out something to help with keeping things off here in the household to help with the sanity of what is going on. So as I sit here at this time I am plotting on what to do first for the place of course. That is nothing new around here at all on that part. Now to get things alot cheaper here for the household and go from there since that is part of the plot that I have for the week to test it all out to make sure that it will work for me. I have went without things before here and will try to do it again from now on. This should be good and will teach me something again. With that said here at least I will get things done here this week that some would figure that I would never do at all. I may as well work in the household at this time and go from there while I am at it here. At this point in time I have broke out the candles for the place here in the mornings so I can keep the lights off as long as I can now. Also I have to deep clean some of the kitchen so I can save even more here for the household. With this past weekend here my Husband started hollering about all of the rice that we have in the household also. I started laughing about it and told him to look in the 2 drawers where I keep the pasta in and ya get one or the other here from now on since ya said something to me about it. He did not see the humor in the whole thing as I did. So I will come up with the 101 ways to cook pasta and the rice without a problem at all now. It will not be that bad here since I can do that part of things for dinners also at this time. Some will be mad here at me and that is fine. At least there is food in the house that can be ate up along with other things at this time. The pasta and the rice are part of the back stock for the household here besides the dish and laundry soaps that I have. Now that does not include things like T.P., shampoo, conditioner, bath soaps, and snot rags that are here. This is what I get for having coupons on top of sales for things like that around the area and in PA.