Monday, October 29, 2012
Shaking my head still
Well it always amazes me that some people are cramming the stores as of yesterday for the storm that is coming. With alot of people grabbing 2 carts for groceries as of yesterday at the Wegman's store I was about ready to leave totally. It was like people just do not get it this point in time. Alot of what some were doing was to start grabbing things that they all thought was needed and go from there. I know that at least 4 people had well over 500 dollars by the time I was there for their place and most of it would go bad before they used it. Some things I refuse to freeze here for the household since I learned years ago from someone that lived down the street from me at the time. So I picked up very little while my Husband and myself were out and about here and said oh well when I could not get some food for one pet since every store was out and cat food it is here for about a week. Also I got to thinking about it here that I am so use to having the power go out in the Trailer Park that I know what to do at this point in time without a problem, to where others do not have a clue at all at this point. It also reminds me of when I did not even have a fridge at all 18 years ago. It was great during the winter months except when the milk and the greens froze on me at the time when I threw everything out into the mud room. So yes I know in what to do and when also now and learned. Ok so my Husband and I are laughing about it now here in how we got thru it all and how we all learned. Now at this point there is alot of work to be done along with other things that I have to do here for the morning.