Sunday, October 21, 2012
Shaking my head again
Well it is looking like I am not getting enough done here in the house at all at this point in time. None the less I did get a truck full of wood so far for this winter here for nothing. There are at least 3 more truck loads to bring back at this point in time also while I am at it all. What it is at this time is that we have to unload and to get the holder up and going before we get any more here totally. So inbetween time I did get a load of laundry folded along with a load outside and one in the washer again. Ok so I have not been slacking to much here today since I packed the back end of the pick up full with the first load of fire wood here for the place. That and I did get up to Walmart for the day also this morning here. Now if I can keep on saving money like I have been at the 2 stores already I will be a happy camper for a good while here also. At least I can laugh about what is going on here totally at this point in time here. Between coupons and the nickles that I have took in I should be ok for a good bit here. Pluss the free fire wood also and I can not forget about that part for the household while I am at it here, it is a good thing here totally in what is going on. All I can say at this point in time is that some things are turning around for the place here now somewhat. With the fire wood here at the house the gas bill will go down here this winter again and that is a good thing here on my part. Maybe I will get lucky this year totally for the power bill and the gas bill and they will not be much I hope. Now at this point in time I have not forgot in what I did do last winter at all here. Now to match alot of it here and this some for this winter totally since some people will not be here at all having the door open all of the time and the lights will not be going also for hours at a time by the weekend here anymore. That will be the nice thing for this winter compaired to last winter here. Nor do I have to hear that someone is cold in the kitchen also here unlike last year here of course. As I will say there are ways around everything here and I am still to this day figureing them out for the place here after almost 2 years here. Not only that since I have found out about the dollar stores again here for some things for the household that is another way here of doing without going broke here totally for the winter months. I guess this is why I shut the doors to the rooms that I do not use all of the time and still block off areas in the household. May as well on that part also while I am at it all. I am not saying to have the thermostate turned way up on anything or way to low to were everyone freezes in the household at all. I try to keep a happy line here for the household totally on alot of things here without a total screaming match from the other or the kids at all. Also it is good to have meatings with the family when you want to try something new around the household period. I have found out the hard way about it with my place. Pluss working as a team works better anyway for a household.