Sunday, October 28, 2012
Well I went to a silent auction last night and had fun with it. Of course I ended up with 2 baskets here without a problem at all. So now since I ended up working anyway and found out a few things while I was at it all it made me wander about some things also in the cruddy work force. All I could do for the gal who was telling me in all that she had left at the end of the month was give some advice out that I have been doing here for my own place. I ended up telling the woman to keep some things on hand and do not worry at all since they are the basics out of the household totally. Between the onions, potatoes, 1-2 bags of flour, butter, baking powder, bags of noodles, powdered milk, yeast, beans canned or baged, rice, some sugar, bread crumbs, eggs, along with 2 rolls of burger, and some chicken for the household. I have also tried to keep some canned veggies at the trailer and the house here nomatter what. Since I have all of that in the household here and can make meals out of that for at least 3 weeks here it is not so bad after I get done. It also goes along with trying to get everything on sale and on the off brand side for the most part. Pluss there are the days during the week that I turn everything off also for the place totally since I do not need alot of things anyway here that needs power. Also I try to streach everything out that is in the household anyway. This is what alot of people have not got as of yet here in why and how I do things for the place. Since I have got alot tighter on things during the week here for my place it seems strange that I am beginning to think that it is normal in what I am doing. I even told the gal to get the hand towels along with towels that she can clean with totally for the place that she is at now. I got the look of what does that have to do with streaching out money for the household last night. As I was telling the woman that since the 8 pack of paper towels have lasted for a year in my place at this point in time because of the towels and rags that I clean with that is how my place streaches out that part of the budget in my place. Since 5-10 dollars is at least a days worth of meals if not more for the household it is well worth not getting the paper towels for the household at all. I guess this is what worries some people that come over to my place also at this point in time now. All I can do is laugh about it and go from there since I have got that much cheaper for my place here over the years. When I was telling the woman to take small steps so nobody gets totally hurt and let others know in what you are doing so they can help out also it seems to work out better that way for the household. That is what happened totally in my place and now I just say something that I am trying out here for the place that we are at now. The gal was inpressed in what I was doing and could relate also for alot of things. When I told her my total budget at the trailer years ago of 20 dollars for everything and what the welfare office told me that we could live high on the hog for that much a month also some were in shock. That is when I became good at streaching things out here 10 years ago for the trailer and the house here also.