Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this point in time I need to get to the laundry today. I am going to try and dodge the rain today so I can get at least one load out on the lines here today. What gets to me is that there is never a break for what goes on here at all with the housework. I do try to keep up with alot of things here in the place and sometimes it does not work as I want it to. With that being said here I guess this is why I try to get things done on the cheaper side of life now more than ever here. I have got back onto the ban waggon for alot of things again here and see no other option for it at this time. For a good while I had gave up on alot of what I was doing at the trailer when we got here to the house. When I got cut down the way I did for 16 months after moving into the house here I gave up on alot of things. Also I figured that I was useless anyway and why bother with it for that long. So now here since I got my sinces back for the household again it seems like I am working harder than ever here in the place again. That is why it makes me wander in why others do not care at all in what they do and they expect that others do what they all do from place to place also at this time. Maybe it is for the best that I get things done on the cheap here totally. Since it does bother some people that have known me over the years here, I may as well get as cheap as I can for the place. Also yesterday some things smacked me of course here again in what has been going on and the why's of it all. Since there is alot of things here for the day that needs to be done I may as well start in on it now here and get things done early for the day.