Sunday, October 7, 2012
Clearing out
Well I got some of the clutter out of my mind this morning already here. Pluss I ended up walking a full mile and then some already here for the day. That is one of the bad parts here for myself and I got to thinking about alot of things while I was out of the household. Since I have a ton of things to do for the place this week here along with trying to get my walks in also it should not be so bad here after I get started for the week today. It all works out when I am alone here and get the chance to think on things and how to do them better for the household. May as well think on alot of things here as of now since I have time to do all of this also. With yesterday I ended up having my Husband go into a store with me here and he seen what the one dish soap costs at the normal price that they sell it for. He about freaked out once he realized that 79 cents was not that bad at all. I saved over a $1.20 when I picked alot of it up here in Febuary on sale per bottle. I had to laugh here since I know what and why I did that part of things for the household at the time. Also at that point I knew that I needed to stock up on some things after all that happened at the time. Anyway here my week has started this morning here already and I do not mind that part at all. Now that I can get alot of things done early here for the household it will not be that bad this week after I get started on what needs to be done. When I started thinking yesterday after my Husband left to go back to work for the week I know in what I have to do at this time here for the place totally and this morning confirmed it all here. That is the bad part and I am willing to get cheaper than snot from now on for the place. The coffee keeper will help out alot here for the coming months along with the candles that I picked up. Now I get the non smelly ones because of the birds in the house to use them for light in the mornings. Also I will be figuring out in how to do alot more here for alot less money to keep the place going for a good while. That part is the biggest battles that everyone has anyway is to try to keep everything down in the costs. With that being said look for the sales in the stores and have coupons on hand also to help along with start talking with the family to get everyone on the same page also to help out on the bills. Another thing that I have noticed here for the house over the past 22 months that we have been here is that I can close some of the doors to rooms that are not being used at all and that helps out on the heating and cooling on the place and bills. What alot of the problem is in todays world is that nobody goes outside anymore to do anything. With that part I know my mother shoved me outside all of the time growing up and hung the laundry up out on the lines. Since there are gaming systems, computers, and T.V.'s in todays world why should kids go outside and get fresh air and to play. It costs less to have the kids out playing and using their brain for other things to be creative than it is to make them stay in the house all of the time. When I was baby sitting 5 kids at once here I got told that I could not let the 2 younger children outside at all period. I got them out of the house for fresh air anyway and got them to like it totally. Also the youngests legs started to straighten out while I was at it. The poor babes legs were bowed since almost everyone carried her around. With alot of the things that went on I gave up and could not work under the conditions that the parents wanted me to at all since one was totally lazy and the other catered to the father and the lazyness. Also the T.V. would be turned off so the kids would go outside totally. So now some have figured out that I was right on alot of things and ran with it all. Pluss some knew that I was the cheap one anyway out of the bunch here also and ask me still in what can they do to help with that part of things. With that part here I was still trying to get the bills down for my own place and going with it. Now I can get the bills down here and still have to work at it hard.