Monday, February 1, 2010
Today went better
Well after Friday at the Welfare office waiting for 2 hrs today was about 5 min at most for the wait on the paper work for a friend. So I got that taken care of this morning at 9 am. That is bad when some don't have a clue as to what they are doing in the office. Anyway at least there is someone here to teach the basics of being frugal and down right cheap here in the state of NY. All I can do is shake my head and go from there on things of what to do and not to do. And while I am thinking about this I haven't told my supposad niece untill now that a friend had passed on at all in 3 weeks. In all reality I haven't bothered her within almost a year now. The girl is no relation to me what so ever not to my Husband of 12 years. What got to me was that the Hippies sister wanted us to have costuty of this child and I was haveing doubts since this child was at age 7 in 1998. The Judge at the time seen what was best for the both of us and I am truely greatfull that we/I diden't get her at all. So I replaced her with new appliances here in my household. Going thru the cheap side of life of course. I have always been tight with money and always will be and I diden't need the extra headaches of the child that was taught oh you're supposad aunt can do still and you can be lazy also. I have delt and counted my blessings over the past 4 years around here without a lazy child who diden't give a rats behind on squat. I have went to the cheap side but, not all at once with Liberty-Ann here in my household also. I say let the real trash lay with the real trash at times and figure out what she has missed in life then have them crawling up for forgivness later on. That is how I looked at it all as of late. After 4 years I did get my back bone back and like it. I will say that I don't put up with much of the B.S. in the world and why should I after 35 years of being around. I will streach everything out as much as I can and will always do it that way. Just becuase something in my place is old and torn doesen't mean I have to get brand new stuff at all. My moto is throw a sheet over it and deal with the problem untill you can afford new. Untill I get the brand new don't worry about how the old looks at all. If I went by in how people judged me all of the time I would be in debt over the 5'2 of me. That is why I just don't care anymore in what folks think in what I should or shoulden't do. As I say don't bother to keep up with the Jonse's at all becuase that is what gets folks into trouble. Another saying is opinions are like toushes everyone has one also. I work on myself and that is the biggest part of life. I know I have flaws and I try to keep them in check when I can and work on myself when I have a new flaw come up in life. I am hardly ever jelouse of what folks have anyway and I am always saveing up for what I want or what the can needs at the time. That is what works out for me.