Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this point in time here I can say that the second load of laundry is in the washer and the first load is out on the lines to dry.  This is why I wanted at least one of the umbrella lines here for the yard and it is making it easier on me also to hang out laundry.  With that part here since I hang up the laundry here for the household it cuts the power bill down.  Since even my Husband knows that with the dryer not going here this summer compaired to last summer here this past month the bill was 80 dollars less at 103.56 with the window units going all of the time.  This has told my Husband something here totally and that was with the drying racks also here for last month to dry laundry outside.  With in what I have been doing here for the place in the past 20 months here I have realized that some things that I have kept doing since the trailer I have noticed the difference here.  Since I can do alot more here without being cut down all of the time like I was last year here it has made a huge diffference in my attatude also.  Sometimes I get down here since I know that I could do something at the trailer before the surgery compaired to after the surgery.  With hanging laundry here it makes it easy for not to do some things here that others want me to do.  I have also been lifting when I was not suppose to also and that is why I did not ask for help after the first week after the surgery while I was at it all.  All I can say is that I am happy that the one person that was suppose to help out here and myself had a falling out.  I have felt better here in almost 6 months and found out that I can do more without the stress nor being cut down for what I do and get for the house also here.  With that being said here at least I know that stress is a huge factor for the pain here that I was going thru.  Some folks have also noticed that I have been doing alot more here for the household and commended me for it.  So I have been trying here to get things done and still need some help doing some of the things that need to be done.  There is not other way of looking at it and I am not a spring chicky anymore here.  Anyway it will be another cheap day here for the household and that is how I like it here totally.  Since I have cut things down here along with shopping smarter here it has helped alot in what I have been trying to do here for the household.  I also realize it takes time to notice in what goes on and see what happends here totally when I really kicked things into high gear for the cheap side of it all.  Since I hang the laundry up along with turning things totally off it made the difference here on at least one bill.  Also there has been a shift of thinking here for me with what has happened in the past 6 months while I have been at it all.  With that being said here at least I will say that it has become alot easier on what I have been trying to do.  Ok so part of the garden is a flop this year totally and next year I will have it all beat to grow more veggies and fruits for the place.  Also I will be able to put another umbrella line here in the yard while I am at it all.  It all takes time to do things and I will start takeing it in stride here also.  So there are up sides to everything that has happened over the past 20 months here and I keep reminding myself on that part of things.  Pluss the household will get that much cheaper with myself doing also here and keeping it all up while I am at it for next year here.

Thinking again

Well I have put much thought into what I need to do for the household totally here yesterday on the drive home.  That, along with I refuse to be threatined to have someone as a supposad friend from someone that I do not want anything to do with anymore.  So as I sit here now and refuse to be scared of anyone here in the area period along with since I knew that I was on my own a week after my surgery here I am ok with what I do and say here on the blog.  Since I was trying to get all of the bills lower here last year and that ment over doing some things here in the place when it was not even on me in what was going on here in the place.  My Husband over steped his boundries along with another person to run up the water and power bills here and desided to blame me for it all.  Pluss it does not include the grocery bill also while I was at it all.  Also I have noticed that since I paid the person off here in what my Husband owed the person it went down hill in the friendship also here at the time.  Now since all of the bills have came down to a normal level that I can not holler about for the place and I still work on that part of things here without a second thought at all.  Since I am not one of these people that have to run out and get their nails done constantly nor my hair done I can pull back the money from that here and put it someplace else for the household.  This is part of the reason of why I am really stocked up in some things for the place and get things on sale with coupons when I can and that cuts down on the trips to the stores totally.  When I had said something about it last year here some got mad at me totally here and I dropped the matter untill some folks started saying that they were broke at their place.  When I had tried to tell the person about setting up a budget in their place I got told to stick it at that point.  All I could do is say fine then ya need to stop with some things and start turning off other things in the place in order for some bills to drop totally.  Since I do alot of things here that does not include power at all here for the household my Husband was shocked in what I was doing and was impressed with the power bill also after all said and done.  I also sit down when the bills come in and read them and see what is going on here and where I can cut back even more if need be here in the household. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thinking again

Well since I do have things like dish and laundry soap on back stock here in the household it is not that bad at all here.  While I am at it all I have the shampoo, conditioner, and bar soap to last on the back stock also for the house.  What I did was pick up alot of it on major sale here for the place and never looked back a week after I got droped by someone who I thought was a friend.  Otherwise I would not have got out of the house here that Sunday to hit up the one store to get stocked up on afew things that were dirt cheap in the prices.  That has been saving me more than anything else here in the household.  Since I do not need the shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, dish soap, laundry soap, and fabric softener some folks would flip out on me here if they really knew about the back stock on that part after they have not been over to the house here.  So now at this point I have been really thinking of other ways to get the household that much cheaper once and for all on things that need to be cut down on anyway.  The one weekend that I had got out here and got alot of things here for the household my Husband was stuck out on the road here and I figured that alot of things would not hurt at all if I went ahead and did.  So I got out of the house for about 2 hours and did here on my own.  It was a nice outing and I did not get cut down for what I picked up for the place also at the time.  I still can laugh at the managers face and him saying "Oh Wow" when the bill was cut in half for what I got at the time.  Since I told my Husband I was thinking of going out at the time here that day he said go for it since you know what is needed anyway for the place and to have fun.  So I told the poor man in what the total was and he laughed about it along with the power bill that I was waiting for at the time.  With in 2 weeks that one went down over 50 dollars also so I won totally that month for the place.  Now here I still pretty much win since I do things my way during the week and go from there.  Alot of it has to do with cooking on the cheap along with cutting alot of things down here for the household.  I have done what I was suppose to anyway and I told my Husband that solar panels would be nice for alot of things here and that is what I am saving up for next.  Maybe that is why I have not took all of the nickels back as of yet for the household along with still pinching money that is coming in and going out of the place at this time.  Another thing here is that somethings will never change here in how I get things done totally.  I may as well try the cheaper end of things and see how it all works for me here.  With that being said here I know several people that just do not care in what they all do for their place and how much money it takes for them to do at this time also.  Some things are shocking in what some will do to keep up with other people also.  Since I do not keep up with anyone except for myself and thing of ways to get things that much cheaper it makes some people wander in what I really do for the household.  When my Husband and I moved into the house we were jokeing around that we had power and afew other things also compaired to the trailer at the time.  I knew that the neighbors would not get the joke that we were laughing about at all.  This is why I say that I have made it thru alot of the rough times over the years and had little help at all.  Ok so my Sister helped out with the stove while we were at the trailer at the time along with one of the jackpots that I hit on also to get the flapping thing.  I was totally broke and some knew it here and my one sister came thru with what she gave me here at the time.  The stove/oven is still with me today here after all of these years also.  So with some things I can laugh about since I always make due here for when we were at the trailer and to the house also.  This is what some do not get at all here about me and that is fine by me still.  There are things that have to be done nomatter what goes on and how broke you are at the time.  I guess this is why I do not mind walking alot of the times since I can pick up the nickels here along the way while I am at it.  With ways that I have here of streaching things out it works out for the best and will start using coupons again here for the house. 

Shaking my head

Well at this point in time I have rasberry, blueberry, and strawberry bushes to grow here.  That will go along with the other things that I will be putting into the garden next year totally.  Since the one neighbor will cut me down for what I will do again next year here I guess that I better get use to it all.  If it was not for the garden and the dog here I would not get out of the place at all.  With that said here next year will be better around the house without a problem.  Since my Husband sinking part of the pole in concreat here for the clothes line I should be able to hang the laundry out today and make the one neighbor go nuts totally before it is all over with today.  It makes me wander in how some people can run 2 households totally.  Then again I did and failed nomatter in how cheap that I got at both of the places.  That is what is driving me at this point in time now is why I want to get that much cheaper for the household here on alot of things.  This is why I hit the non brand stores up to shop alot of the times along with cutting all of the power down during the week here when I am alone.  Since there is only me here I may as well do things the way that I am doing also.  With cutting down on things here some people are suprized in what I do for the place totally.  Even my Husband does not mind in what I do to keep the bills low.  When I found out that next door has a 300 dollar power bill at this time I about freaked out.  So I will keep hanging laundry up along with unplugging things here in my own place and deal with it that way.  Now with the neighbor on the other side of the cut downs I have worked with her before years ago at a place and I asked her in what she does to get a 35 dollar bill for her place.  I got told in what she does and tried some things out also here for my place.  It worked also during the winter time.  So now at this point in time here I will be keeping the summer rates in my head with the memo of course of what to do here totally and go from there this winter.  Also I do have the fire place here for the winter and I can close up doors still for the heat to be kept in 2 rooms while I am at it all. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Thinking here

Well I got to thinking in how lucky that I am here.  Since I can go cheaper at my own pace here without a problem at all and started laughing about it also.  I have been trying here even more so with the cheapness here since the trailer with alot more things here.  I still say that I started all of this since I was broke at the time with the trailer and to the household.  With that said with the pinching of the pennies and other things at the trailer I ended up with the KitchenAid stand mixer along with other things at the time.  After 18-20 years I finally got that part of the kitchen set and then some.  Now the stand mixer has came with me from the trailer to the household even better since I did not let anyone else pick it up and drive it here to the house also.  Ok so I am wierd on some things here and it is to be expected totally.  With over the years of coming up swinging and fighting for what I have it is to be expected out of me.  I can still laugh about some things that have went on and other things I came out fighting mad and people knew it.  There were alot of shades of gray also at the time in the trailer and I knew it here and now others have moved into a trailer and the real trash is out in the open after I got told that part of things.  It just took awhile for true colors to come out along with myself and others moving up around here to prove a point to some spoiled children over the past 9 years here totally.  Now knowing that some of us owned the trailer its self and not the land at all I was ok with it since I was pinching money to the point of having it squeel every time it came out of the bank account and my purse(sattle bag) at the time.  My Husband still teases me about it to this day here.  After all said and done here with 19 pluss years of being togeather and he understands in why I hoard money to this day in the sattle bag here along with other things.  There is alot of things that have changed over the years here and some of us becoming cheaper on top of it.  I know that the coupons are not very far away along with other things that I do and I have to get back into the rutine of things also here compaired to the trailer.  Alot of the rutine got messed up after the surgery that I had and knowing this part here, I just want the normal back to a point for the house here.  Knowing that is all that my Husband wants here also for me to feel almost normal yet again I am working on that again here for the new place. 

Cooking and shopping on the cheap

Ok so I will admit that I do like to cook around the household here.  I figure the cheaper the better alot of the times for the place and I do not mind it at all.  With that being said I am getting back into the coupons here for the household to drag the prices down totally for the place since the weather and the trucking are not going to lie here to me.  So now I did use a coupon last night here while I was at Walmart and saved 55 cents on the total here at the check out lane.  With tomarrow coming up soon here I will have the coupons along with the sales on my side here and my Husband knows this.  That leads up to what I have to say with the sales here with the cooking on the cheap.  Normally if you can get something on sale it is even better on the grocery budget.  This is why I go for the potatoes, flour, onions, butter, pastas, some cheeses, milk by the gallon and or powdered, baking powder, and shortning here for the household as a starter.  In what I do is hike out of the household early in the morning some time during the week here and catch the sales on the meats at the stores.  That also helps out on the budget here for my place.  It was at least a month ago that one of the news channels had a run on the dollar store foods here in the area and how you can pretty much eat out of them totally.  With that being said you have to watch prices totally in the dollar stores nomatter in what you do.  This is why I kept a notebook for the prices where I shopped at totally for the first 6 months for the dollar stores, discount stores, and the supermarket at first.  After I wrote down the size of the item and the price at one store for the month here, then I moved to the next store for the next month here and did the same thing.  With that part said here some items are not that bad at all from the dollar stores.  Some of the stuff that is there you have to get use to the taste.  Since I like the off brand cherrios at one of the stores it pretty much stuck at the trailer then here to the house.  Also we all found out that the box stuffing with the off brand is better than the name brand things and alot cheaper also.  What I am trying to say is if you are on a very tight budget for the household do not knock the dollar stores and discout stores at all for food.  I still laugh at times since I have shopped at the dollar stores here for years and noticed that I can get better deals at times there than anyplace else in the area for some of the things here for the house.  Some of the folks that have came over to the house and walked into the kitchen have seen the tags on the items that I have bought and shake their head.  With budgets getting tighter here for alot of things in every household the food budget gets nailed the first it seems nomatter where you go.  All I can say is take a look around for alot of things at the dollar stores and see what you can get out of them to your advantage here.  They also take internet coupons now days for alot of things that they have. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Shaking my head

Well I got the coupons at this point and I will start clipping here tonight while the boys are quiet here totally later on.  After falling into the freezer this afternoon here to take a head count down stairs here and will end up getting out and getting several chickens along with other meats here in the household.  At this point in time here with alot of the coupons that I have sitting on the table here go with the sales for Sunday here also, so I may be good here on that part and the meat that is needed here.  Some people are going to be mad by the time I am done here without a doubt in my mind at all.  I keep reminding myself that the totalls after the card and coupons will prove my point here with the person behind me after I get done.  So now here I have some planning to do tomarrow with the coupons and the sale items that are at the Tops stores here and I will make it all work out.  On top of it I almost forgot that I have rice here in the household along with other things also for the place.  With that being said here I can pretty much cook with very little here without a problem at all and have enough food for the week here.  With some people they did not see in when I was really broke and had very little in the trailer at the time.  All I can do is laugh here in what I can really do for the household at this point still since I am so use to doing on the cheap here.  Since I have been cutting down on alot of things here for the place it does not even bother me when I start to think of what I can do to cut down even more here.  The one gal that use to come over all of the time here to the place would freak out with some of the things that I was doing at the time to get food on the table.  I looked at my Husband when she would start and we would start laughing about what I have done way before she came over all of the time at that point here.  Ok so I will leave that to another post here for later on.


Well this morning I finally got onto my big system here to start printing out coupons here for next months shopping trip.  May as well clip my way into savings here besides the sales and cards for both kitchens to say the least.  Also here I know that I can use them at the one store and get them doubled and get extra points for the gas in the truck.  Since my Dear husband does not mind in that part of things niether for what I do to save money at all it is well worth the trouble to clip coupons for the household.  I have figured out that some folks do get mad when they see me with a fist full of coupons at the check out lanes still to this day and then are suprized in the amount that I pay after everything has went thru.  So now here at least I have came up with something else that I have not really been doing for the household as of late is to use coupons all of the time like I use to also.  So I will be getting the Sunday paper to get the extra coupons for the month here to help out in that part of the household also from now on.  I also have figured out in why some wanted to come walzing back into my life here while I was at it yesterday.  The gal figured that I would fall flat on my face without here witch did not happen at all.  In alot of ways I have got alot cheaper without the gal here and I am happy to see it was not me at all who was running up all of the bills totally here for the household at the time.  When the power bill came down right then and there for the household I knew what was up at the time here also along with the food bill going down.  Also I have caught wind that everything is going up 5%-25% here within 6 months and that was from other drivers.  Ignore in what the news tells ya totally at this point since I got my inside goody first hand around here also.  With it being so hot out and very little rain on top of it all prices go up weather we want them to or not for everything in the stores.  Now at this point at http://www.coupons.com/ , and http://www.smartsource.com/ is only part of the sites that I hit up to print out coupons here for the household.  Another way to get the printable coupons is to type in the search box is free prinable coupons also.  If you can get a sample with the coupon go for it also.  Alot of the times I will go to a web site and see if they either have a sample and or coupon for the item that I want for the household.  The trick to alot of the samples is use part of it for lets say the laundry then hang it up on a thin rail to use for another load also for the household unless you need a bit more for really grunged out laundry.  The companies will swear that a full packet is one load and I can squeeze out at least 3 loads of laundry or some sort of the nature here in my place.  Another thing that I do is write to the company to see if they can send me any coupons at the time.  The worst thing they can say is no.  There are ways to save money around the household also that some did not like me doing at all here.  Since there is only myself during the week here alot of the times I do not have every little thing going in my place at all.  Now here last summer one person swore up and down that she needed the dryer for her laundry and refused to hang out the laundry that she had.  Well 75-80 dollars extra on the power bill later with the window units going last summer I was hopping mad about that part of things.  And yes the power bill has came down that much since the gal is not here at all doing laundry and wanting every single light on here on the main floor.  My poor Husband flipped out when I pulled out an old bill from last year to show him in what was going on.  Since I have alot of things off totally here during the day for at least 5 days a week and I use the dryer for maybe 2 loads if that a month here I have came to the point of it is not me at all.  With that being said here it is hard to bring down the bills for the first year thru 2 years here when you get started.  I will admit to it totally here since it took that long at the trailer and for here in the house also.  Since the utillities love to read the meaters every other month, if at all during the winter also and I have hollered about that part many times and gave them a reading off the meater myself.  It helps out on the budget when you do that part of things. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

As I sit here

As I sit here at this point in the morning I am plotting out in what needs to be done here in the household already this morning.  Since I need to get cheaper here for the place yet again here it seems strange that somethings never change at all.  With that being said here I have noticed that what I have been doing so far here has been working totally.  By just turning off things and maybe using the dryer 2 times a month for the household my power bill did drop by almost 75 dollars last month and I really do not want to see this months bill at all.  One of the reasons of why the bill has dropped for the household is because I got dropped by who I thought was a friend totally and was not at that point.  So that means the coffee pot is not constantly going every weekend, along with the dryer, and I can turn off one over head light also in the kitchen.  Also it does not take a normal person 5 minutes to get thru a blocked room unless it is the person that just does not care at all in what others are trying to do to keep the cool air contained.  Even my Dear Husband started paying mind to the fact of keeping doors closed here in the place this summer and the one gal could give a rats behind on why I did keep the bathroom door shut untill about 9 pm in the summer months.  All I can do is shake my head at this time about alot of things that go on with some people and what they do to others and in their own place at this point in time here.  Since Febuary here I have noticed that the power bill down totally along with other things here in the house and I am not going back to the one persons way at all for the use and abuse of other people.  Then again not much has changed at all in what I do here in the house from the trailer except that I can hang more laundry in the basement here in the household.  Another thing that I have noticed is that since I do not get cut down here in the house for what cleaners and soaps that I get for the place anymore at all.  I just get cut down for the garden looking bad at this point in time.  Since I have the back stock here in the house and part of it is in the one spare room in the place it is nice to know that I do not need alot of things at all at this time so I can save on that part of the shopping also.  With the huge switch over that I have done in Febuary some people that use to come over would be in shock at this point if I would let them in the place at this time.  That is the funny part about things here in my place.  Also I know others that will come over will go back and say something to the person that is no longer welcome here in my home and go from there.  So now I have alot to be thankfull for at this time and go from there.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Well I am waiting on the water and power bills for this month to see in how much they are at this point in time here.  Then this way I can really say if the laptop has helped on that part of things here for the household.  It has came down to I know that I have to start cutting back here in the household again on alot of things.  Also I figure may as well do what I can here totally to cut the costs down for the place anyway since some things are just out of hand.  As the one neighbor asked me this morning where is the beast at since you're home here and I told him, he started laughing.  I do not mind the walks what so ever that I have been taking so far in the past couple of days here.  I may as well get use to that part also while I am at it all.  With alot of the bills due here within a week yet again it seems strange that I have to figure out in what to do for the month.  All I can do is hope at this time that we all can make the bills again this month here with afew extras that are needed for the household.  I just hope this winter will be better than the last one that we had for the household.  And I am sure that things will turn out ok again here once I start paying everything yet again.  Since I do not have to shop for the household as of yet I should be ok for at least a few weeks here on some things and other things I am good for at least 6 months.  So I have to figure out a way to get the power bill down yet again here with the window units and afew other power issues that we have for the household.  Alot of it is timeing on everything here as normal.  Also here since I try to get everything charged here either at night or early in the morning it works out better for that part of the power bill.  Another thing that I am figureing on here is that I need to get some things on track better than what I have been doing at this point in time.  Since I have figured that the walks have helped me out for the most part when the truck comes back here I will get farther out and see where I land for that part of things also.  So now that I am thinking of ways here to cut things down and get them straight in my mind also for the place I will get them all down here.

Wandering now

Some things make me wander totally still to this day here.  It comes down to the fact of ok I am walking to some places and that is fine by me here at this time and to where one ego maniac will  say that I always have the gas hog of a truck with me when I am out of the household.  At this point in time my gas hog gets better mileage than his limo will ever get at this time.  All I can do is laugh at this time since alot of the times I do not have to gill up the gas tank of my truck for 3 weeks and other times it is once a week depending on where I am going also.  With the gas prices going up gee the food price will go up also here and the wacked out laws for the Big Rigs that bring everything in to the stores.  Some that run the U.S. at this point in time need to get out there and ride with the drivers and see what happends out on the roads totally at this time.  This is what some do not get with the trucking part of things here totally and it gets bad in December and January.  It comes to the point of stake and the extras are not there at all in the months that it is slower than snot here.  Like I would buy stake anyway here for the house except for 3 times a year.  So during the good months I try to stock up as much as I can and pull money back for the slow months totally here for the household.  With that being said here it never changes at all for things along with the stupidity of the government at this time for things.  I would love to see alot of them try to make it without vacation times along with what gets brought in with the pay checks to some houses that are working.  Alot of the higher ups would never make it at all in my place.  With myself hanging laundry along with turning things off during the day here while I am alone in the household.  Also in where I shop at with coupons just to cut the costs of things that come into the house and the money going out.  I guess this is why I ended up getting the dish soap for 77 cents and stocked up in Febuary here after I got the power bill and seeing the drop in that part of the place.  Since there is alot of tricks of the traid that I end up doing here anyway it would be nice to see some try to make it on half of what they are getting now at 77 grand and the perdeem that they get for hotels and food for the day.  So now at this point in time it always amazes me in what some will not do anyway here to where others remember a time of really being broke and trying to figure out how the rent and other things are going to be paid.  I guess this is why I went on walks here to get the extra money for the household.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

May as well here

Well I may as well give up while I am ahead now and go from there with the diet bizz here now.  All I can say is that I am shaking my head at this point now.  Since I know in what I have to do here totally and what you get with some programs like NutriSystem is not enough here at all to feed someone at all compaired to other diets here and the point systems out there.  Ok so I had someone that I know real well here with diet after diet that has failed except one here totally.  That is part of what the heck is wrong with me now here after all of these years.  So now try to explain to some folks that I have food alergies here totally and they think I am nuts here after all of these years also.  So I came to realize that I need to start walking more and eat less also on some things along with other things here that are dirty habbits totally here.  I may have it done here and now along with screw this diet crap on top of it here.  Also the only thing that I did was look at the portion sizes here in what some are calling for and I can do alot of it totally at this point in time for breakfast and lunch here pluss snacks.  That is part of the reason in why I wanted the garden to really take off this year for my place since I know that I need more free food to eat in the household.  What I call free food is the veggies that you have to chew and there is more water content to them than anything else.  So now here I can make in what I have here already and there is part of the things that are needed here anyway.  All I can say is that I could have made things alot cheaper than what I got and will do that from now on and to get fruit on sale for other things here in the household while I am at it.  At this point it is food for thought and have one or two pancakes at a time and a small amout of morning food also. 

Shaking my head

Well at this point I feel better today than I did yesterday to say the least.  Since I did not feel well yesterday here I hardly got anything done and that is ok.  Today is another day around here totally and I will try to get alot of what I did not get to yesterday done for the day here in the household.  Now with yesterday here I did get to think of what I can really do to streach out everything here in the household totally since it was an off day for me.  As I sit here and know in what I will be doing for the next several weeks and the diet is included with that part of things here in the place this should be good here.  With that being said at this point in time at least I will be saving money on top of it all here without a problem at all.  Also with yesterday I had said something to one of the bankers that I deal with all of the time and the poor woman said that all of the older women do the same as I do here also with cashing in the nickels and that some of them were bugging their Husbands also to put up the lines outside for laundry this year also.  All I could do was laugh here since I am alot younger than some of the women that are at the bank here and older than some that are there also.  Almost all of the older women up at the bank know that I do streach out the dollars anyway from the trailer to the house here still.  We all got to laughing at the bank yesterday here since my power bill has went totally down over the past 3 years here.  I also got asked in what I was doing for cool air for the house here and I told them with the 2 main window units at this time and I got the 3rd one back as of Sunday here also to help out up stairs.  And the women were shocked to see that the bill was only $103.56 for the month here compaired to the 150 dollars pluss from the past 2 years at the trailer and the house.  Alot of it is that the dryer is not going all of the time for the household at all and I do turn things off during the day here while I am alone.  Now I know that it still makes some people mad here at me since I do not use the dryer except for maybe 1 or 2 loads that I need right away here totally at times.  With that part of things I do have some things that are up my sleeves still that others do not know about at all in what I do here in the house that have stuck with me from the trailer.  Alot of things get streached out by not going with what the bottle says that you need for the load of laundry and the dishes at all along with other cleaning agents here for the place.  Also I cook alot more than what some folks give me credit for anyway here and I try to do that part on the cheap side anyway nomatter in what I do.  So now at this point in time here at least I can say that things have got alot cheaper since I have paid alot more attintion to the prices and have got alot worse on it since myself and my Husband got out of the trailer over 19 months ago.  At this point I may as well get started on the housework and cut alot of things off here in the household since I can open up the windows again for the day here. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

New week

Well this week I will end up doing alot more on the cheap here totally.  This begins the trying to go that much cheaper week for the household from now on.  With that being said here I have figured out that it is ok that I ended up with the cheaper things in the household and why I have the back stock also on alot of things here.  So as I sit here at this point in the morning and knowing in what I have to do here totally for the day this should be a good first day.  Since about 2 hours will be in the my own truck here along with stopping at one place here after I hit near home this morning I will be home for the rest of the day here.  Since I will be cleaning here after I get back home here totally along with other things.  With the news channel that I watch now in the mornings here they have the deal of the day still on the morning news cast.  Alot of things I already knew about here and now.  The funny thing is that I have seen the spiral notebooks out there already for about 39 cents down the street.  Ok so I did look already here for some things for the household already.  So now there are ways to shop out in the stores with alot of things for the household.  When you have children in the household wait untill the end of the season to get things for them.  I have done this myself when I had kids in the household totally including myself for outfits.  When I did this I would get things 3-6 sizes to big for the kids and they fit fine by the time the outfits were ready to wear along with to small by the time they were all done with things.  Also I have noticed that alot of the bedding along with things like bathroom needs goes on sale here next month.  Towels go on sale better here in Augest and in March and it is always nice to have extras.  So I will be saving up for that part here come March for the household also. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Way to much

Well I know that I have way to much in the one room for the back stock here totally.  Since I have started organizing that part of the house yet again that is when I know that I have to stop and use up in what I have here in the household.  So now here some have realized in what I was doing and my poor Husband did not say a word to me in what is in there at all.  At this point in time here it is not that bad at all since I do not have to go back out and get some things for the household now.  Another thing that I have realized is that at least one neighbor has figured out that I have got alot cheaper here within 19 months with the place.  With another neighbor the guy can not stand it when I start hanging laundry out on the drying racks at this time along with other things that I have done so far.  Little does the guy on the one side know is that I am taking up the cheapness to another level here for my place.  Since I found out some things yesterday here I am not happy with someone here and they will find out that what they wanted to do will not work in my book at all.  So this is another reason of why I want and need to go that much cheaper for my place.  Besides it will make the one guy totally nuts on the one side of me here in what will be done from now on here.  Now here since I do not mind hanging up laundry at all here in the household or outside depending on the weather and alot of other things that are going on.  When I started alot of this I was at the trailer and will continue to do alot more here at the household.  I guss this is why I started getting the cheaper things here for the household in the cleaners and soaps also.  Some are not impressed in what I do here so far and it will only get worse as time goes on.  It is like a need to get the house that much cheaper here at this time.  With that being said here there is alot more that I can do here without a problem at all for the household.  Now here I will be running the window units here part of the time and see if I can get by without them during the day here for the most part untill the off peak hours come up also here.  Knowing that I do not need anything out at the stores here it does help out for that part of getting cheaper unless there is a huge sale at the stores now. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Shaking my head

Yesterday I had the window units off totally and today will be the same with that part of things here totally.  At least I can say that it will save me on the power bill totally for the month in just 2 days also without the heat.  So now I really do not want to see the power and the water bill for the month here at all with it being so dang hot and trying to give the garden enough water also while I was at it all.  Tomarrow it is straight back to the heat yet again here for the area and that is the pits in my eyes.  So as I sit here at this early morning hour and start to plot out for the day in what to do with it untill I get the phone call to go pick up my Husband also I guess that I am stuck cleaning totally untill everything blows up.  Also with yesterday here at least 2 more people agreed with me about it being the first year for the garden and I am lucky that I do have some veggies coming up and out at this time.  Since the one knows that her husband has cut me down here over what I had no controle over at this point she told me to get mouthy with him totally.  Some do not know in how my mouth is totally since I have not totally blew up here as of yet like I did over the can over the years.  Anyway I did try for this year on that part of things and next year will be better for the garden also.  Now at this point in time I will say that since some have also realized in that I have got alot tighter with the household here over the past 19 months they like in what I have been trying to do so far.  With that being said I am still hanging out the laundry here for the past 2 summers on the drying racks here it is totally different than having the lines outside like I had at the trailer totally.  Sometimes I do wish that I have the lines for sheets, towles, and blankets for the place.  It would make it easier on me to hang laundry up outside here totally.  Oh well maybe next year I can get the lines up along with afew other things here for the household.  I know that it all takes some time and that is how it goes.  Also here it makes me wander about some folks totally in what they all do.  Yesterday some of the raido talk shows that I listen to were hollering about the welfare system and how it has been broken for a very long time.  I have noticed that some of the people out on the system refuse to get a job at all still to this day.  Some folks that have been on it forever I guess are at a comfortable spot and do not care at all in what they are doing at this point since they have been on the system for at least 18 years that I know of and then some.  When I was on food stamps years ago I noticed that some of the people that were going to the welfair building and to the food pantries were driving brand new Caddies and here I had a 12-15 year old car with no signs of hope to upgrade in what I had at the time.  I guess that is what got to me the most at the time along with the cell phones that they had also.  So now here since I am no longer on the food stamp program at all I still watch in what I get at the stores to this day and try to expand that part of the budget for either place that I was at.  With that being said some folks are still driving the Caddies to the pantries and do not care what so ever in how it looks on them. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wandering here

I know alot of folks still do not know in what to do to help with the power bill here in the area and the state of NY here.  All I can do is laugh at the Governor here for the state since he is just plain out late on alot of things here still.  Since I have been doing alot more than what the news letter has said that was sent out over the email.  The dryer for the laundry what the heck is that since I hang out the laundry here even more so for the house since I have more room in the basement in the winter time.  Also in what I do for the house here is to turn everything off in the house except for the window units here during the on peak hours of the day.  If Cuomo was thinking along with his staff here they would have put out the on peak and off peak hours in the email.  What they will not say also is that some things are power suckers that you do not need to have running at all during the day when you are not home.  Pluss is it really necessary to have the phone charger plugged in 24/7 here anyway since the cell phones are not plugged in totally.  One of the gals that use to come over all ov the time would try to leave the charger plugged in all of the time here when she had it and I would chew her out for it constantly.  All I can say is that she wandered why her power bill was so high all of the time at her place and that was only part of what she would not even bother to do along with turning off things at the power strip also during the day while she was gone.  At this point in time at least alot of things that are going on in this area and alot of other areas also is to sit and think about what is being used all of the time and is there a need for it totally.  Like with my household I hang out the laundry here on racks since I do not have lines outside as of yet, try to cook outside when it gets to bad with the heat, turn off things along with unplugging them when not in use, and I have switched over to the laptop for alot of things this week untill I need to print out coupons here for the stores.  Ok so I bought a new mouce for the laptop here and it was under 21 dollars for what I wanted.  So now as I sit here plotting out the day here in what to get done first I have it nailed already.  Between the laundry and the dishes it is an easy fix. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Will admit

Ok I will admit to it I broke down and bought a mouse for the lap top here today.  Now at this point I got to reading here in the past couple of months and I am trying out the lap top here to see if that helps with the power bill also here at this time.  It does not take much to keep me happy here at all with some things totally.  Some folks figure that I am one of the high class gals that gets everything that I want when I do not at all.  All I can say here is that the cheaper that I go at this point the better off I am now for the household.  There were some things that I wanted to do today and it can wait untill later on in the week here also.  As I told one of my neighbors at this point I do not even want to start up the truck at this time and I would rather walk down the street at this point today.  Pluss it gave me some time to window shop when I walked by the Fashon Bug in the plaza.  Heck may as well here since that place is closeing down here anyway.  So I will start walking more here without a problem at all from now on.  I have been slacking on some things here and will admit to that part for to take care of myself.  So I have to get back into the rutine of things again here and pick a time to start in on the walks again.  It will help with alot of things here with what I have been dealing with as of late and I hope it will pick up my mood also while I am at it all.  What I did when I was walking alot is that I would hit up at least one parking lot and hit a streach of road that was not busy at all and that is how I got my walks in at the time.  Ok now I am off here to do another search for freebies.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Shaking my head

Well I found what I have been looking for here in the past 2 months.  I finally got the food mill and at a good price totally.  If some people only knew in what I can do now for the place after the veggies start growing totally here for the household.  With that being said it was right in Amhurst all of this time and I will be out that way more often anyway here if I can help it all.  Since alot of places do not have some things that are needed for the household here I have to travel for part of it here.  Pluss there are better deals out in Amhurst and Buffalo at this time for what I was looking at, at this time.  My Husband started laughing here totally in where we were yesterday afternoon.  It was like the workers were hawks where we stopped at to help with every need or want that I had.  So now here I will be back to the place also here and go from there.  With about 2 weeks left of the month here it seems wierd that all of the bills have been paid for the month and the cycle starts again.  Now here I will see what goes on for the place and go from there.  Since I am trying to get everything that much cheaper for the house here, some things do help out totally and that is how I like it for the place.  As I told my Husband yesterday I may as well fill up the tank here for the most part since I am running low on gas then that will last for about 2 weeks of course.  Also with this afternoon alot of things will be turned off once again and I can get other things done here in the household. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Shaking my head

Well it looks like more laundry to get done for the day here yet again.  It has been totally non stop for about 3 days.  I ran out of room totally to hang the laundry out on the drying racks.  As I sit here now and see what needs to be done here in the household it seems strange that some things never change at all at this time.  At least all of the housework can be done on the cheap side at this time still.  Since I am using less of everything still to this day along with having switched alot of things over it seems like the house is alot cheaper than when myself and my Husband were in the can.  That is what is nice about the whole thing here.  I have also made up my mind here on alot more things as of yesterday and at least one neighbor is going to be shocked in what I will be doing in the coming months.  Since my Husband does not mind in where I shop at for the household it makes it easier on me also at this time.  Between the dollar stores and afew other places at this time we should be ok on almost everything that will be coming into the house now.  Pluss it has helped out alot here that I am stocked up on some things for the household that others figure it would not be worth the time nor trouble in what the back stock is.  With the T.P., shampoo, conditioner, soaps, some food, and a few other things that were needed for the place we should be ok.  Part of the back stock will last for over 6 months here in the house.  I told my Husband last night that I wanted to get over to Ollies to see what they had again for the drying racks and a few other things while I am at it.  I mainly want to look around and to see what they have again in that store.  So now here at least I can look later on today and go from there. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Shaking my head

Well now I know why I put in the garden this year totally to have the one neighbor cut me down totally around here.  I am so fed up with the comments that I am about to blast is toush out of the water totally around here in my place.  Since I go out and water once a day here for the garden and I am not sure if the potatoes are growing at this point since they do not have the greens that I wanted at this point in time and the sweet potatoes do along with the onions it makes me wander.  So now at this time I am tired of some folks trashing me for putting in the garden when the guy can not even put one in for his own wife again this year also after 19 months.  Then again this is the same person who told me that I did not have portable window units at all and just fans for the household that stick in the windows like the window units do.  So now that I have all but gave up on alot of things and would rather stick in the household totally like I did at the Trailer Park gee I wander in why I got out of there in the first stinking place anyway since the cut downs never stop from some people totally.  With that being said here it makes me wander in how much some really bring into their household and how spoiled their kids really are now at this time.  All I know is that the youngest girl with her best friend I told totally she gets one of the egg plants that are in the garden and I will cook it up for her totally before she goes home so she can wright down in what I did do to the poor thing.  Also the girl likes in what I do here at my place since I do hang laundry out and said that she could handle that totally in the early spring and when it gets to cool out to hang laundry up anymore here in the area.  So now it is like danged if I do or danged if I don't do here for the household since I do not have the 175 pluss power bill anymore with the dryer along with other things for the place.  Ok so in alot of ways I have went cheaper here in the household totally and that is how I like it compaired to the can.  It was like if I had anything new over 20 months ago it would get stolen out of the yard that we had and I did not have to blink nor think about it at all at that point.  Just like the old grill that we had it was a beast and ended up lopsided totally after someone stole it and turned it into the scrap place that we found it at around here in the area.  ALl I could tell the cops were ya better catch up to the 2 guys who stole it before I do or it would be 2 bodies missing out of the park PERIOD at the time.  That was the about last 10 months that we were there.  Pretty good tax dollars wasted on the clowns that did squat for everyone totally. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Well I have switched news stations totally around here for the mornings.  On channel 2 they still have the money tips out of the day here unlike channel 4.  So now they ran a segment on the dollar stores this morning saying how they can save you money also.  Since I am still within walking distance here with at least 3 of the dollar stores it works out better on me.  Like all stores you have to watch the prices totally here and that is how it goes in every area.  So at this point in time since I can walk to alot of the stores and take my wheeled cart with me here it is not so bad.  Also with the house here I do not have to jump over the mud puddles in the back path way anymore to get to all of them.  I know that I still have a Dollar General store coupon that will be used here shortly and I will walk to that place also here sometime this up coming week to get things from there.  Alot of what the dollar stores have is almost the same thing as the regular stores have and some of the food that you can get there is better I think after all said and done.  The funny thing of it all is that I will still get the boxed stuffing from the Dollar General and I think it is better than the name brand stuff from the bigger stores here in the area.  So now with that said here it is all about watching who has the better sales for the week or the month depending on how you shop for the household. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Shaking my head

Well I got at least something done yesterday here and it was a small thing.  Oh well at least there is today to start doing around the place.  Also I gave my Husband a piece of advice on what to do for one of the waitresses at the truck stop that he goes to all of the time.  Ok so I am totally evile at times and it was and still is good advice in what I said to do to the gal.  So now let the fun begin with the gal and sometimes ya gotta fight fire with fire here.  With that being said I have not said much with some things that have been going on at all here and that is fine since I am doing the same thing with another person here from Illinois.  The point is that I will be calling on the weekends now to some to where I can save the minutes on the phone totally around here for my Husband and his work.  That is one of the things that I can do for him totally around here for that part of things.  Now since I have been cutting back around here in the household and the window units probably will not be used again today here it is a good thing totally for the bills.  At this point in time and knowing that I have to cut back someplace anyway may as well turn another 2 things off when the weather is nice in the area.  Even my Sister was shocked when she did not hear the window unit going here on the main floor of the household.  When she asked me yesterday here in how things were going I said fine and she did not have to worry about some parts of the budget at all here with me still working on them at this time.  All she could do was laugh about it.  Since some know that I am cheap here up to a point and will tell people no for things.  When I had shopped some down in Illinois some of my cousins thought it was my grandmothers stuff that I had got her at the time when it was for my household totally to bring back up to NY State.  When I can get the name brand crackers on sale for 2 for 3 dollars here and use a coupon on top of it all I will get something like that totally to bring back with me.  It is the small things like that, that make me happy around here for the place.  Another thing is that my sister forgets that I try to do things on the cheap here in the household and that is how my Husband and I survived over the years here totally.  With that part said some of my cousins have had things handed to them without question at all and that is how they have survived with the hand outs from others.  That is why everyone does not mind helping me if I need it for the household here since I do not ask for squat and made that part a habbit.  So now with that and a few other things that have went on all I can do is shake my head and be done with it. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Well I have noticed that the power bill was about 50 dollars less for this month than it was this time last year with some that figured that they could use the dryer constantly.  So now with that being said here the dryer is only used for quick dry things at this time if it is used at all here in the household.  Even others have noticed that the house here has been cleaner as of late totally when they have been over.  With that being said I got asked last night here totally about some of the things that I was doing for the household here.  I told the person in what I was doing here and she started laughing about it all.  Since I can be sneaky at times in what I do here may as well so if some come over to the house they will run back and say no this is what she has and that is it.  So now at this point since I do have some of the drying racks out still to dry the laundry on along with other things that are going on here it will drive some folks nuts.  Also here once I get my Dear Husband off to work today alot of things are going off totally here in the household again for the week.  At this point in time at least I know that I can make it without power totally here and be done with it now.  Also this past week I got some things dumped into my lap here and I am done totally with alot of things that have been going on.  I figure that my one aunt is mad at me here since I would not spend money like she wanted me to while I was down in Illinois in November.  So right then I gave up on my one aunt since she and 2 of her kids are always broke totally at this point in time.  Since I turn things off here along with shopping smart, things work out better here.  Also here with this up coming winter I will have to move a cage so I can use the fire place this up coming winter more often than not again.  At least with the house here I know what to do and go from there totally if the power goes out along with other things here.  I have noticed with the one aunt that I have she always spent money and never bothered to think before she did.  There are alot of things that I do on the cheap here in the household and the one aunt could not understand at all in why I did them totally here.  Along with shopping down in Illinois also while I was there.  Ok so I spent a 10th of what I would have here in NY State down in Illinois at the time.  I guess that is what I get for using coupons along with the sales here for the household.  Also I do not need a brand new car ever 2 years along with the car payments like some do out of my family on the one side.  So all of this makes me wander in what some are really doing totally at this time.  Since I refuse to keep up with anyone here anyway I know it makes some people mad at me and that is fine.  The people that get mad they do not have to live in the place that I do along with seeing in what I totally do to keep the place running on the cheap. 

Shutting off things

Well at least I can shut off the window units for about 3 days here.  It will be nice around here to get some fresh air into the house here once I think of it all.  Pluss it will save on the power bill while I am at it all.  So now at this point some folks were suprized that I had cooked everything out on the grill on Friday before we had leftovers yesterday here totally.  With it being 95 outside I was not going to heat up the house anymore than I had to.  So now I will say that the new grill that we got in May here has been a good thing.  With that being said here I know someone that only needed a regulater (a 20 dollar fix) on her grill and threw out a 1200 dollar grill because of it.  I was in shock when the gal told me in what she did.  So now at this point knowing that the grill that I bought in May here will stick around untill it falls apart and is being held up by duck tape totally here it always amazes me in what some will do to waste money.  At this point in time here I had said something to another person last night here about it and they about freaked out about it all since their grill is about shot.  There are still some of us that use things untill everything is so busted that it needs to be replaced totally.  I got to thinking about this over the past 5 months here in how wastefull that some people are in the area.  When I can go out for about 40 dollars here yesterday and have fun looking at things totally instead of buying this says something to me here.  That price included admission, parking, and lunch while myself and my Husband were out.  Of course I had coupons for lunch yesterday here.  Alot of other folks did also where we were at.  Since the summer rates apply at most of the places at this time most of the locals have coupons. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Shaking my head

Now I know in why I do not like Walmart at all here.  Since I still forget things while I am out here and that is ok at this point in time.  What I do not like is people that come up behind me and start squaking about the fist of coupons that I have and use at the check out lanes.  Alot of folks do not get the coupons and refuse to use them totally.  Alot of the coupons you can get out there are hooked up with the sales at the stores totally and alot of the things you can get for either free or almost free.  With the buy one get one free deals you can use 2 coupons totally then you have something like the deals for 2 for 4 dollars lets say and you can still use 2 coupons on the sale.  With that being said here if you ever watch the coupon show on the TLC channel they can explain it better than I can at this point in time.  So I will be working on that part of the household again at the stores when I do go again.  Also my Dear Husband started laughing here when I looked at him and said here's coupons for tomarrow here for when we are out of the household.  This is what happends when I do get the coupons totally in the mailbox here at the house.  It seems like we get more here at the house than while we were at the can.  So now that I do use alot of them out of the mailbox when I do not feel like cooking at all here during the week.  Since I can walk to many places from the house here without a problem at all it is well worth it all when I do get out. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Way to hot

Well yesterday was bad and tomorrow around here will be worse with the heat.  So I am not sure if I will get out of the house tomorrow except for once to get my Dear Husband from the truck here.  Of course the best way to combat this one is to get out today and do what needs to be done early here before all of the heat builds up.  That is why I guess that I try to get everything done early in the household here.  With that being said some people get in what I have been doing out on the grill to where others do not still at this time.  Just like yesterday here I got told again that the window units were nothing but fans by the one neighbor.  I just shook my head and said ok whatever and I know different here.  Now at this point yes it still gets warm in the house and the window units are going full blast here.  That is why I try to block up as much as I can here so they do not have to work as hard during the day.  Anyway at least there are ways of doing here without a problem at all to try and keep cool.  Also the guy was knocking the garden already yesterday to me while I was out.  Then again the guy only plants tomatoes for the summer in the front yard.  Since I have tomatoes, onions, and egg plant I guess it is not to bad at all since we got a late start on planting.  The carrots and radishes here are growing also at this point in time.  Now I will get my Husband to plant the 2 other raspberry bushes that we have here and see what happens for next year with them.  With the raspberry's and blueberry's I will not have to by any I hope next year for pies and other goodies that I want to make.  So now to see what is going on outside this morning here along with afew other things of course to start the day here at the household totally.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Looking around

At this time I have about 5 minutes of clipping the coupons that I printed out yesterday around the household totally.  Also my Dear Husband did not know in what I was doing all day anyway and that is fine by me here of course.  The man knew that I was going to pay the loans on the household yesterday morning and did not know what else that I was going to do for the day.  So now here I am free to get some things done here today that I did not get to yesterday at all.  With that being said here my Husband called mainly here to ask a question and tell me that since Sunday he had not charged his new phone at all as of yet compaired to the other phone.  By that point in time it was 36-48 hours later since he charged the new phone up.  Now this tells me something here totally.  So now here at least I know that I can go without charging the phone up at all for at least 24 hours here in the house.  That saves me right there compaired to the other phone.  Pluss I was on and off the phone all day here totally yesterday.  Since I am looking around here totally and trying to get cheaper totally I found part of it out with the cell phones along with afew other things here in the household without a problem at all.  Also here at least I can say that somethings never do end for the place at all.  SInce I am back with the coupons here yet again on alot of things for the house here to help out with that part of the budget it is all good.  The one grocery store will take the printed coupons here without to much hassle at all also while I am at it.  Another thing about some places is that they all do not mind coupons at all when ya have a stack of them to turn in for the order since the cashiers do not have to lift anything for about 5 minutes if not more here with some of us.  Pluss it is a good way to start saving money on that part of the household.  I found that out when I was really broke and money was coming in at the trailer also at that point in time.  So I started with getting coupons with the paper to streach out the grocery budget and the cleaning budget there.  Between that and the nickle returns that I would take in at the time it was well worth getting 75% off of the bill nomatter in where I was at.  Now with the household I had laxed up on alot of things here and that is fine since I am starting in on alot of things again for the place.  Sometimes some of us need a break from the work that we do.  With that being said here I will start posting free things on the blog again here since I do try to get that part done here.  The mail gal that we had asked me where I got alot of the free things in the mail and I told her about it.  Since samples of things are always good for a back up in the household anyway that is what I have done over the years.  Soap is a good thing nomatter if it is laundry, dish, or bath soaps that you get as a sample.  Or in case of my Sister in Law here forgetting what she had bought and still had in her place only to buy more, then to pass away on us.  So as I sit here and had looked in the one cart that I have for some things here for the bathroom the sucker is full again on me so I will not need any bath soaps for awhile again.  At this point in time it will not fill the holes up in the one container at all unlike 5 years ago in May.  Now I can somewhat laugh about that part of things here.  Anyway it pays off to try to cut down on everything in the household nomatter where you are at.  So now here this is why I only need some food for the freezers and that is it at this time.  Now to get motivated enough to start part of the housework and go from there for the day.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shaking my head

Well I finally got the power bill yesterday around here and it was not as bad as I figured it would be.  With the 2 window units and the 2 loads of laundry that I threw into the dryer here the bill was only 103 dollars for the month.  So now I will keep the power off as much as possible around the house here and see what happens after that.  With that being said here at this point in time it seems weird that I do not mind the radio at all when it comes down to everything for the household.  Even with the new phone here I am not charging it up every 3-4 hours anymore so I am saving there on the power bill totally for the household.  So the power bill will be a toss up for next month here since the area is getting up in the higher 80's to middle 90's also at this point.  The first things to go is the T.V., and computer totally here for the household again along with not using the dryer at all for laundry.  Since alot of things are unplugged during the day anyway it helps at least one bill to be lower here in the household.  The grill also helps out with not heating the house here during the day when I need to cook.  This is what gets to alot of folks in what I am doing at this point here for the household and some power bills are pretty high also once I think of it all.  All of us got to talking about the power bill and a few other bills while we were outside about a week ago.  Some do 3 or more loads a day for laundry at their place since they have children in the household still.  Since my Husband had said something about the line going up soon here outside it will be a good thing on me here even if I put the towels and blankets up on that part of things then to have the drying racks for when I have to get alot more out if I ignore parts of the laundry here for weeks on end.  The weird part about things here is that I have been doing all of this on my own here and will continue to do so without questions about it all.  So now with the good phone here for the house and alot of other things that I will be trying to do to get that much cheaper for the place it is not that bad at all.  Since I am still switching things over to the cheaper end here for the house for the cleaners, I know some people got fairly mad about that part 6 months ago.  Some do not even know in what I have switched out as of yet including one of the window units here since they have not been over at all in almost 5 months.  With the window units here I will say it again close the rooms off that are not being used at all and block off places without doors that are hanging.  I have a blanket/curtain to block going down stairs here to keep the kitchen and living room cool along with all the doors closed also.  Also I have a window unit upstairs for that bedroom here.  Now last year I got one unit in the beginning of June and it worked well for the main floor if all the doors were shut along with the blanket up near the back door.  Then came time that I needed one for upstairs also and got that one also for the place.  Since it will be years before I can get a centeral a/c unit for the household now I will have to work with the window units and I may as well get use to what I have to do for the place anyway to keep it somewhat cooler at this time.  Anyway at least I can say that it all works for what I have been doing so far here for the place and I am always looking to get that much cheaper also. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Shaking my head

Well I will say that my Dear Husband tried and so did I after all said and done here.  My Husband called the 800 number for Cricket and I walked up to the place that I got the ZTE's from and said ya got one chanse to do right with the question that I have.  Both said NO to the question and all I have asked for was the 94 dollars PERIOD from them that was never used off of my phone number.  I told the gal that I have the forms at home sitting in my email to print for the State of NY and the FCC and will call my lawyer here as soon as I walk thru the door to my place and that is about 4 minutes away on foot.  Now I have the form in my hands on the Kitchen table and will make the complaint out in how the guy up on Deleware In Buffalo NY talked in circles untill I stoped him the first and second time and how the one on Niagara Falls Bulve.  Blew me off also here within about 27 Hours here and robbing me of the 94 dollars period.  Now some will answer or I keep up with all of the blogs and totally nail the company here for what they are worth on their own Crappy Service and that is it.  Now to fill out the paper work here and make copies of what I have and make sure if ya have Cricket to get the copy of the last bill Period.

Fighting mad

At this point in time I have not made a phone call to the main office for Cricket again.  With the flex bucket being at 94 dollars and the one manager told me that was part of the phone plan when it was not.  The money looks to be gone at this point totally.  It makes me mad when I get robbed for that amount of money totally here for something that was needed at the time since I could not see going without the roaming minutes totally when I traveled.  With that being said here at least I still have phone service thru anonther company now and will stick with the one I have now.  I have better coverage now than what I did with Cricket and a better phone here without the worry about the junk that Cricket has now in their stores.  When I went to Illinois in November I hit up several of the Cricket dealers there and on the way up and nobody wanted to see what was the problem with the internet on the phone nor help me out at that point, out of 6 stores.  That was when the problems arose with the Cricket company totally.  The last phone here that I had which was the ZTE phone it went postal within about 24 hours.  With the phone shutting off by its self, dialing out, rebooting without anyone around, apps on the phone doing what they wanted with nobody near the phone, and not keeping a full charge what so ever I was done when I got told from 2 different stores that there was nothing that they could do at all since the phone would not do everything on command.  Also another person that was at the Deleware Cricket store out in Buffalo NY was having the same problems with the Mauve Music that I was it was down for 4 weeks and could not use it and was being charged for that part of things also when we could not use it.  So I will not endorce any of the Cricket adds on my site at all now after being treated very bad for the past 7 months here.  Oh and the store out here on the Niagara Falls Bulve. and Millitary here in Niagara Falls NY, when you would go in with a phone problem or a service problem the first thing out of their mouths were "Oh Well and We CAN'T FIX IT" without even looking at the phone at all.  Or the costumer would have to call the 800 number and trouble shoot the phone over the phone totally to get the problem fixed.  At this point I would rather see folks get a 2 year contract at another company and reliable service for what you pay for.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Looking around

Well I got to looking around here in the household yesterday after we got back from getting the cell phones done here totally.  I know that I have to get alot cheaper here in the household and that will be getting done without a question at all after yesterday.  As I noticed that I have alot of the back stock built up again here for the household I am good on that part of things for the place here and will not have to get many things at all here for a good while at all.  It will be the little things like milk, bread, onions, potatoes, and some meats also at this time.  With alot of things still growing in the garden we will be set on that within a couple of months also here for the household.  That is one of the reasons of why I wanted the garden in the first place here for the house so I can cut down on the price of produce at the stores.  With that being said here at this time since I did get to looking around I have noticed some things that can be cut down and or out at this time totally yet again and I am working on that part myself.  With the cheaper products in the household and I have spent less than what some folks figured that I did at the time.  When it came down to getting dish soap for under 76 cents along with under 90 cents for shampoo and conditioner I am there totally on that part of things for the place.  If some folks that were coming over knew in what I had done they would have flipped out and cut me down that much further here than what they were doing at the time when they were coming over.  Even the poor manager at the one store that I went to looked at the total of the bill before and then asked if I had the card for the store.  I said here is the card and lets see where the bill comes up to now for the day.  The poor mans jaw hit the floor and said you just saved 50% off of the bill today if not more with the card period.  That did not cover for the coupons that I ended up getting also with the bill that was cut by alittle over half.  I also got back up there during that week to get more of the dish soap along with the shampoo and conditioner while I was at it.  This is what some would have not got at that point in time in what I was doing for the 2 areas of the household at all here at the time.  Now others have got it and I do not have to go out to get that part of things for a good while here at all.  So now at this point in time at least I will say that some things that will not be needed here at all I will get to save money on that part of things here without a problem at all.  Also now with the phone here I do not have to run the power hardly at all anymore with the radio nor the computer here during the day if I do nor want to.  I can pick up the radio off the phone totally now for free and go from there.  So that will help out also here in the household for that part of the power bill and I will let you know in how the battery does off of that part of things also here.  The funny thing about all of this is that since some folks did not know in how cheap I really am and about to be even cheaper for alot of what is going down now for the house here.  I have kept alot of things from the can and brought it to the house here totally.  Alot of it is second hand in what I was trying to do in the first place at the can.  There are always the ways to get the bills down and I am still figureing all of this out here at the house.