Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Well I am waiting on the water and power bills for this month to see in how much they are at this point in time here. Then this way I can really say if the laptop has helped on that part of things here for the household. It has came down to I know that I have to start cutting back here in the household again on alot of things. Also I figure may as well do what I can here totally to cut the costs down for the place anyway since some things are just out of hand. As the one neighbor asked me this morning where is the beast at since you're home here and I told him, he started laughing. I do not mind the walks what so ever that I have been taking so far in the past couple of days here. I may as well get use to that part also while I am at it all. With alot of the bills due here within a week yet again it seems strange that I have to figure out in what to do for the month. All I can do is hope at this time that we all can make the bills again this month here with afew extras that are needed for the household. I just hope this winter will be better than the last one that we had for the household. And I am sure that things will turn out ok again here once I start paying everything yet again. Since I do not have to shop for the household as of yet I should be ok for at least a few weeks here on some things and other things I am good for at least 6 months. So I have to figure out a way to get the power bill down yet again here with the window units and afew other power issues that we have for the household. Alot of it is timeing on everything here as normal. Also here since I try to get everything charged here either at night or early in the morning it works out better for that part of the power bill. Another thing that I am figureing on here is that I need to get some things on track better than what I have been doing at this point in time. Since I have figured that the walks have helped me out for the most part when the truck comes back here I will get farther out and see where I land for that part of things also. So now that I am thinking of ways here to cut things down and get them straight in my mind also for the place I will get them all down here.