Sunday, July 8, 2012
Well I have noticed that the power bill was about 50 dollars less for this month than it was this time last year with some that figured that they could use the dryer constantly. So now with that being said here the dryer is only used for quick dry things at this time if it is used at all here in the household. Even others have noticed that the house here has been cleaner as of late totally when they have been over. With that being said I got asked last night here totally about some of the things that I was doing for the household here. I told the person in what I was doing here and she started laughing about it all. Since I can be sneaky at times in what I do here may as well so if some come over to the house they will run back and say no this is what she has and that is it. So now at this point since I do have some of the drying racks out still to dry the laundry on along with other things that are going on here it will drive some folks nuts. Also here once I get my Dear Husband off to work today alot of things are going off totally here in the household again for the week. At this point in time at least I know that I can make it without power totally here and be done with it now. Also this past week I got some things dumped into my lap here and I am done totally with alot of things that have been going on. I figure that my one aunt is mad at me here since I would not spend money like she wanted me to while I was down in Illinois in November. So right then I gave up on my one aunt since she and 2 of her kids are always broke totally at this point in time. Since I turn things off here along with shopping smart, things work out better here. Also here with this up coming winter I will have to move a cage so I can use the fire place this up coming winter more often than not again. At least with the house here I know what to do and go from there totally if the power goes out along with other things here. I have noticed with the one aunt that I have she always spent money and never bothered to think before she did. There are alot of things that I do on the cheap here in the household and the one aunt could not understand at all in why I did them totally here. Along with shopping down in Illinois also while I was there. Ok so I spent a 10th of what I would have here in NY State down in Illinois at the time. I guess that is what I get for using coupons along with the sales here for the household. Also I do not need a brand new car ever 2 years along with the car payments like some do out of my family on the one side. So all of this makes me wander in what some are really doing totally at this time. Since I refuse to keep up with anyone here anyway I know it makes some people mad at me and that is fine. The people that get mad they do not have to live in the place that I do along with seeing in what I totally do to keep the place running on the cheap.