Thursday, July 12, 2012
Well I have switched news stations totally around here for the mornings. On channel 2 they still have the money tips out of the day here unlike channel 4. So now they ran a segment on the dollar stores this morning saying how they can save you money also. Since I am still within walking distance here with at least 3 of the dollar stores it works out better on me. Like all stores you have to watch the prices totally here and that is how it goes in every area. So at this point in time since I can walk to alot of the stores and take my wheeled cart with me here it is not so bad. Also with the house here I do not have to jump over the mud puddles in the back path way anymore to get to all of them. I know that I still have a Dollar General store coupon that will be used here shortly and I will walk to that place also here sometime this up coming week to get things from there. Alot of what the dollar stores have is almost the same thing as the regular stores have and some of the food that you can get there is better I think after all said and done. The funny thing of it all is that I will still get the boxed stuffing from the Dollar General and I think it is better than the name brand stuff from the bigger stores here in the area. So now with that said here it is all about watching who has the better sales for the week or the month depending on how you shop for the household.