Monday, July 9, 2012
Shaking my head
Well I got at least something done yesterday here and it was a small thing. Oh well at least there is today to start doing around the place. Also I gave my Husband a piece of advice on what to do for one of the waitresses at the truck stop that he goes to all of the time. Ok so I am totally evile at times and it was and still is good advice in what I said to do to the gal. So now let the fun begin with the gal and sometimes ya gotta fight fire with fire here. With that being said I have not said much with some things that have been going on at all here and that is fine since I am doing the same thing with another person here from Illinois. The point is that I will be calling on the weekends now to some to where I can save the minutes on the phone totally around here for my Husband and his work. That is one of the things that I can do for him totally around here for that part of things. Now since I have been cutting back around here in the household and the window units probably will not be used again today here it is a good thing totally for the bills. At this point in time and knowing that I have to cut back someplace anyway may as well turn another 2 things off when the weather is nice in the area. Even my Sister was shocked when she did not hear the window unit going here on the main floor of the household. When she asked me yesterday here in how things were going I said fine and she did not have to worry about some parts of the budget at all here with me still working on them at this time. All she could do was laugh about it. Since some know that I am cheap here up to a point and will tell people no for things. When I had shopped some down in Illinois some of my cousins thought it was my grandmothers stuff that I had got her at the time when it was for my household totally to bring back up to NY State. When I can get the name brand crackers on sale for 2 for 3 dollars here and use a coupon on top of it all I will get something like that totally to bring back with me. It is the small things like that, that make me happy around here for the place. Another thing is that my sister forgets that I try to do things on the cheap here in the household and that is how my Husband and I survived over the years here totally. With that part said some of my cousins have had things handed to them without question at all and that is how they have survived with the hand outs from others. That is why everyone does not mind helping me if I need it for the household here since I do not ask for squat and made that part a habbit. So now with that and a few other things that have went on all I can do is shake my head and be done with it.