Thursday, July 26, 2012
As I sit here
As I sit here at this point in the morning I am plotting out in what needs to be done here in the household already this morning. Since I need to get cheaper here for the place yet again here it seems strange that somethings never change at all. With that being said here I have noticed that what I have been doing so far here has been working totally. By just turning off things and maybe using the dryer 2 times a month for the household my power bill did drop by almost 75 dollars last month and I really do not want to see this months bill at all. One of the reasons of why the bill has dropped for the household is because I got dropped by who I thought was a friend totally and was not at that point. So that means the coffee pot is not constantly going every weekend, along with the dryer, and I can turn off one over head light also in the kitchen. Also it does not take a normal person 5 minutes to get thru a blocked room unless it is the person that just does not care at all in what others are trying to do to keep the cool air contained. Even my Dear Husband started paying mind to the fact of keeping doors closed here in the place this summer and the one gal could give a rats behind on why I did keep the bathroom door shut untill about 9 pm in the summer months. All I can do is shake my head at this time about alot of things that go on with some people and what they do to others and in their own place at this point in time here. Since Febuary here I have noticed that the power bill down totally along with other things here in the house and I am not going back to the one persons way at all for the use and abuse of other people. Then again not much has changed at all in what I do here in the house from the trailer except that I can hang more laundry in the basement here in the household. Another thing that I have noticed is that since I do not get cut down here in the house for what cleaners and soaps that I get for the place anymore at all. I just get cut down for the garden looking bad at this point in time. Since I have the back stock here in the house and part of it is in the one spare room in the place it is nice to know that I do not need alot of things at all at this time so I can save on that part of the shopping also. With the huge switch over that I have done in Febuary some people that use to come over would be in shock at this point if I would let them in the place at this time. That is the funny part about things here in my place. Also I know others that will come over will go back and say something to the person that is no longer welcome here in my home and go from there. So now I have alot to be thankfull for at this time and go from there.