Monday, July 2, 2012
Shaking my head
Well I will say that my Dear Husband tried and so did I after all said and done here. My Husband called the 800 number for Cricket and I walked up to the place that I got the ZTE's from and said ya got one chanse to do right with the question that I have. Both said NO to the question and all I have asked for was the 94 dollars PERIOD from them that was never used off of my phone number. I told the gal that I have the forms at home sitting in my email to print for the State of NY and the FCC and will call my lawyer here as soon as I walk thru the door to my place and that is about 4 minutes away on foot. Now I have the form in my hands on the Kitchen table and will make the complaint out in how the guy up on Deleware In Buffalo NY talked in circles untill I stoped him the first and second time and how the one on Niagara Falls Bulve. Blew me off also here within about 27 Hours here and robbing me of the 94 dollars period. Now some will answer or I keep up with all of the blogs and totally nail the company here for what they are worth on their own Crappy Service and that is it. Now to fill out the paper work here and make copies of what I have and make sure if ya have Cricket to get the copy of the last bill Period.