Saturday, July 28, 2012
Thinking here
Well I got to thinking in how lucky that I am here. Since I can go cheaper at my own pace here without a problem at all and started laughing about it also. I have been trying here even more so with the cheapness here since the trailer with alot more things here. I still say that I started all of this since I was broke at the time with the trailer and to the household. With that said with the pinching of the pennies and other things at the trailer I ended up with the KitchenAid stand mixer along with other things at the time. After 18-20 years I finally got that part of the kitchen set and then some. Now the stand mixer has came with me from the trailer to the household even better since I did not let anyone else pick it up and drive it here to the house also. Ok so I am wierd on some things here and it is to be expected totally. With over the years of coming up swinging and fighting for what I have it is to be expected out of me. I can still laugh about some things that have went on and other things I came out fighting mad and people knew it. There were alot of shades of gray also at the time in the trailer and I knew it here and now others have moved into a trailer and the real trash is out in the open after I got told that part of things. It just took awhile for true colors to come out along with myself and others moving up around here to prove a point to some spoiled children over the past 9 years here totally. Now knowing that some of us owned the trailer its self and not the land at all I was ok with it since I was pinching money to the point of having it squeel every time it came out of the bank account and my purse(sattle bag) at the time. My Husband still teases me about it to this day here. After all said and done here with 19 pluss years of being togeather and he understands in why I hoard money to this day in the sattle bag here along with other things. There is alot of things that have changed over the years here and some of us becoming cheaper on top of it. I know that the coupons are not very far away along with other things that I do and I have to get back into the rutine of things also here compaired to the trailer. Alot of the rutine got messed up after the surgery that I had and knowing this part here, I just want the normal back to a point for the house here. Knowing that is all that my Husband wants here also for me to feel almost normal yet again I am working on that again here for the new place.