Sunday, July 29, 2012
Thinking again
Well since I do have things like dish and laundry soap on back stock here in the household it is not that bad at all here. While I am at it all I have the shampoo, conditioner, and bar soap to last on the back stock also for the house. What I did was pick up alot of it on major sale here for the place and never looked back a week after I got droped by someone who I thought was a friend. Otherwise I would not have got out of the house here that Sunday to hit up the one store to get stocked up on afew things that were dirt cheap in the prices. That has been saving me more than anything else here in the household. Since I do not need the shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, dish soap, laundry soap, and fabric softener some folks would flip out on me here if they really knew about the back stock on that part after they have not been over to the house here. So now at this point I have been really thinking of other ways to get the household that much cheaper once and for all on things that need to be cut down on anyway. The one weekend that I had got out here and got alot of things here for the household my Husband was stuck out on the road here and I figured that alot of things would not hurt at all if I went ahead and did. So I got out of the house for about 2 hours and did here on my own. It was a nice outing and I did not get cut down for what I picked up for the place also at the time. I still can laugh at the managers face and him saying "Oh Wow" when the bill was cut in half for what I got at the time. Since I told my Husband I was thinking of going out at the time here that day he said go for it since you know what is needed anyway for the place and to have fun. So I told the poor man in what the total was and he laughed about it along with the power bill that I was waiting for at the time. With in 2 weeks that one went down over 50 dollars also so I won totally that month for the place. Now here I still pretty much win since I do things my way during the week and go from there. Alot of it has to do with cooking on the cheap along with cutting alot of things down here for the household. I have done what I was suppose to anyway and I told my Husband that solar panels would be nice for alot of things here and that is what I am saving up for next. Maybe that is why I have not took all of the nickels back as of yet for the household along with still pinching money that is coming in and going out of the place at this time. Another thing here is that somethings will never change here in how I get things done totally. I may as well try the cheaper end of things and see how it all works for me here. With that being said here I know several people that just do not care in what they all do for their place and how much money it takes for them to do at this time also. Some things are shocking in what some will do to keep up with other people also. Since I do not keep up with anyone except for myself and thing of ways to get things that much cheaper it makes some people wander in what I really do for the household. When my Husband and I moved into the house we were jokeing around that we had power and afew other things also compaired to the trailer at the time. I knew that the neighbors would not get the joke that we were laughing about at all. This is why I say that I have made it thru alot of the rough times over the years and had little help at all. Ok so my Sister helped out with the stove while we were at the trailer at the time along with one of the jackpots that I hit on also to get the flapping thing. I was totally broke and some knew it here and my one sister came thru with what she gave me here at the time. The stove/oven is still with me today here after all of these years also. So with some things I can laugh about since I always make due here for when we were at the trailer and to the house also. This is what some do not get at all here about me and that is fine by me still. There are things that have to be done nomatter what goes on and how broke you are at the time. I guess this is why I do not mind walking alot of the times since I can pick up the nickels here along the way while I am at it. With ways that I have here of streaching things out it works out for the best and will start using coupons again here for the house.