Monday, July 23, 2012
New week
Well this week I will end up doing alot more on the cheap here totally. This begins the trying to go that much cheaper week for the household from now on. With that being said here I have figured out that it is ok that I ended up with the cheaper things in the household and why I have the back stock also on alot of things here. So as I sit here at this point in the morning and knowing in what I have to do here totally for the day this should be a good first day. Since about 2 hours will be in the my own truck here along with stopping at one place here after I hit near home this morning I will be home for the rest of the day here. Since I will be cleaning here after I get back home here totally along with other things. With the news channel that I watch now in the mornings here they have the deal of the day still on the morning news cast. Alot of things I already knew about here and now. The funny thing is that I have seen the spiral notebooks out there already for about 39 cents down the street. Ok so I did look already here for some things for the household already. So now there are ways to shop out in the stores with alot of things for the household. When you have children in the household wait untill the end of the season to get things for them. I have done this myself when I had kids in the household totally including myself for outfits. When I did this I would get things 3-6 sizes to big for the kids and they fit fine by the time the outfits were ready to wear along with to small by the time they were all done with things. Also I have noticed that alot of the bedding along with things like bathroom needs goes on sale here next month. Towels go on sale better here in Augest and in March and it is always nice to have extras. So I will be saving up for that part here come March for the household also.