Friday, July 20, 2012
Shaking my head
Yesterday I had the window units off totally and today will be the same with that part of things here totally. At least I can say that it will save me on the power bill totally for the month in just 2 days also without the heat. So now I really do not want to see the power and the water bill for the month here at all with it being so dang hot and trying to give the garden enough water also while I was at it all. Tomarrow it is straight back to the heat yet again here for the area and that is the pits in my eyes. So as I sit here at this early morning hour and start to plot out for the day in what to do with it untill I get the phone call to go pick up my Husband also I guess that I am stuck cleaning totally untill everything blows up. Also with yesterday here at least 2 more people agreed with me about it being the first year for the garden and I am lucky that I do have some veggies coming up and out at this time. Since the one knows that her husband has cut me down here over what I had no controle over at this point she told me to get mouthy with him totally. Some do not know in how my mouth is totally since I have not totally blew up here as of yet like I did over the can over the years. Anyway I did try for this year on that part of things and next year will be better for the garden also. Now at this point in time I will say that since some have also realized in that I have got alot tighter with the household here over the past 19 months they like in what I have been trying to do so far. With that being said I am still hanging out the laundry here for the past 2 summers on the drying racks here it is totally different than having the lines outside like I had at the trailer totally. Sometimes I do wish that I have the lines for sheets, towles, and blankets for the place. It would make it easier on me to hang laundry up outside here totally. Oh well maybe next year I can get the lines up along with afew other things here for the household. I know that it all takes some time and that is how it goes. Also here it makes me wander about some folks totally in what they all do. Yesterday some of the raido talk shows that I listen to were hollering about the welfare system and how it has been broken for a very long time. I have noticed that some of the people out on the system refuse to get a job at all still to this day. Some folks that have been on it forever I guess are at a comfortable spot and do not care at all in what they are doing at this point since they have been on the system for at least 18 years that I know of and then some. When I was on food stamps years ago I noticed that some of the people that were going to the welfair building and to the food pantries were driving brand new Caddies and here I had a 12-15 year old car with no signs of hope to upgrade in what I had at the time. I guess that is what got to me the most at the time along with the cell phones that they had also. So now here since I am no longer on the food stamp program at all I still watch in what I get at the stores to this day and try to expand that part of the budget for either place that I was at. With that being said some folks are still driving the Caddies to the pantries and do not care what so ever in how it looks on them.