Thursday, August 30, 2012
Working on it
Well I am still working to get things cheaper here in the household. I guess that I will always be working on that part of the place nomatter in what I do. With alot of it for the place it is on me to do for the household at this time. Also yesterday was all down hill before I could even think about it for the place. Ok so I do have days where things go out the window around here on what I cut out during the day. With that being said here not very often do I sit around and watch T.V. untill I am in that much pain and can not do hardly anything at all. I still got somethings done here in the household since it was the middle of the week here for the place. I guess this is part of the reason of why I am always over doing it on the good days for the place at this time. Also I will let the doctor know that I do not get enough good days here next week when I go in for the fallow up appointment. Ok I never said that I was not busy on top of what I try to cut down here in the household at all. When myself and my Husband here moved into the house almost 21 months ago here I started thinking then in ways to get the cleaners down to a price that I would not mind paying at the time instead of the more expensive stuff that I was using at the time for the trailer. So I used up all the back stock that I had from the trailer undtill I could think of a way here to get that part of things done. It also helped out that I was standing in the middle of Big Lots at the time and it all hit me right then and there for the cheaper side of cleaning. With about 6 bottles of dish soap left at the time of the expensive stuff left at the time I ended up with the non ultra dish soap since it was under a dollar at the time. That is where I started out and afew other things went on huge sale and I had coupons for the other things also while I was at it. So now here since most of the things have been switched over here in the house for that part it has got alot better here for that part. Also I will be in Aldi more often here and will check out the one laundry deturgent that I was using also at one time in the trailer also to see if I want to use it again. I stopped using the one since it seemed to get really runny instead of the thick stuff that they had in the red bottle. I had alot of the soap over flow with the washers when the stuff was thicker than snot with a cold. I can still laugh since I had the cleanest bathroom in the Trailer Park with the laundry soap and the one washer that over flowed everytime I turned around. With that said I was almost sick with the guy that took over the trailer and that bathroom was totally nasty within 5 months after he took over. I told a friend about it and she about freaked out on it. I guess that I try to keep a clean bathroom since things can go on and infections also once I think about it all here. Anyway this is part of why I wanted to get that much cheaper for the cleaners. Also it helps out when some people like my Niece that are wasteing cleaners also while I have my back turned.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Well I already have one walk in today here. I will take another one here today sometime totally. So it is part of myself being cheap here for the household and I get to clear my mind still and think on things for the day here to go along with things. This is what some have not got about me at all as of yet still in what I do here during the mornings. When one of my neighbors found out last week in why I leave early in the morning here I am driving to a spot to take my walk and come back for the day here. The funny part is I still get my mile walk in here that early in the morning pluss get left alone also while I am at it by going to 2 parking lots here that are close to home. Oh well at least I get some activity here for the day besides housework all of the time at this point. Pluss I make some money while I am out getting my walk in. Maybe that is what got to some over at the trailer while I was there. Also now that I am charged to get more of the housework done here this morning and on the cheap side of things, it does not seem so bad when I get home again. Since one of the neighbors thinks that I am nuts for hanging out the laundry still after almost 21 months here it seems like he would get the hint at one point in time in what I am doing for my place here. Besides the walks and the little things that I get done here totally it does pay off for what I do here. I may as well streach out things since I have nothing better to do here all day alone. Since I feel better when I get out for my walks here it puts things into light that I get to think about that has happened or about to happen. Maybe that is why I do not mind doing what I am doing here for the household at this time also while I am at it now. With alot of places being so close here to the house it is better for me to walk anyway instead of taking the truck all of the time. Since the last accident I just do not like to drive anymore at this point. I will say that it does save me on gas by walking so much and at almost 4 dollars a gallon again for gas may as well be a tight wad on that part also here.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Back stock
Well my back stock includes shampoo, conditioner, bar soaps, laundry soap, dish soap, T.P., and food for the freezers here in the household. There are other things here also for the household that I have here on hand just in case while I am at it. Some of the neighbors have not got that part of things that I have done so far here since I have moved in almost 21 months ago. Since I got 99% of it on sale or dirt cheap prices for the household here it has worked out for the best. Also now I will be using alot of things that are here up so I do not have to shop hardly at all for things. So now here that part of things will help save money here in the household altogeather here. With that being said here what I am trying to do is go that much cheaper for the household since some people will holler nomatter in what I do here. There is alot of things that I am doing here in the household that nobody sees at all that gets done. Also since I have cut down on using so much of the cleaners and soaps here to streach that part of the household out and it does just as well as using more of the cleaners. This is what I was trying to tell one of my Nieces when she was at the trailer and she would not listen at all about what I was saying at the time. That was untill she got thrown out of the trailer for not thinking at all on her actions and had moved in with her boyfriend. She had no choice in the matter other than to cut down at the time and keep it that way. Anyway here at least I will say that the bills will come down farther for the household nomatter in what I do here. The nice part about the whole thing is that I do not need to use much power during the week here along with other things that do not need to be on anyway as a distraction. So now with that said here this is why I try to streach out things in the household and can use the back stock also for the place.
Looking around
Well I looked around lastnight here in the place and I know that I have to clean today. It makes me wander in why my Husband is in shock half the time here in what I have done over the weekend here without the help. When I am so use to doing myself here during the week while he is gone and can do it all on the fairly cheap side of things. Since I did get a load of laundry out also this weekend on top of getting other things done it makes me wander in what some people think of what I do during the day also here for the household. I had my Husband get the other umbrella lines up this weekend so I can get more laundry done during the week here totally. When the one neighbor asked why bother with the extra lines here for the household my Husband told him that so I could get more laundry out here without a problem and done within one day other than busting up the days for laundry here for the household. I can not stand it when the laundry gets done on 2 different days around the place. I guess this is part of trying to manage time and days around the household here. So now here since I am trying to get that much cheaper here for the household the extra lines here will help out along with other things also here that I will try out this week here also. This is where some people will freak out on me in what I am ready to totally do here from now on. With being on overload on alot of things here in the household it will work out for the best in the long run. Also now here things like the soaps and food will be used up nomatter what for the place. My one neighbor does not get in what I was doing before and now I am going to be worse here on alot of things that have been going on over the past few months here. It was part of the reason of why I wanted to get that much cheaper for the place here totally and to make some of the neighbors holler about it. Since my Husband will not holler to much in what I do during the week here it is all good on my part.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Thinking again
Well since I have been thinking here on alot of things I know that I can get that much cheaper for the place at this time. When some are saying that they are broke and then I find out what they are doing here for where they are at now all I can do is shake my head on alot of things. Since I have started cutting down here in my place yet again it makes me wander in what some are doing still in their own place. Ok so I never said that I did things the right way and there really is no wrong way of getting cheaper anyway for the household. I know that I have cut down on alot of things here in myown place here and shop for the bargins also while I am at it. Just like cooking on the cheap helps out alos for the point of time that I am at still. Things also like getting dish soap for 77 cents instead of 5 dollars a bottle here for the dishes and other things that are done with that part. Sometimes I can laugh here since some do not figure that I am as cheap as I am at this time. When I started thinking on alot of things in Febuary of this year and got dropped and did not want anything do with the person in May I knew that I was on the right track since I did not get cut down anymore. With that being said I know in that I can do more here and have done more without a problem at all. Knowing that the power bill has came down here totally without some and seeing that it would have been higher than 170 dollars that it was for this month when it came in by not using the dryer along with other things here. I have also found out that I do not need alot here for the household with the cable totally. I have delt without the movie channels for so long that why bother with them to have that bill up higher. When you are that broke in any household sometimes you have to give up some things that you like for awhile totally. Just like I did with the house phone here. It has been almost 2 years here since I dropped that part of things. That is what some if they were here and still here would not like at all in what I did at that point in time. As I told one Niece you have the perfect chance to get a pre paid cell phone and to pick up the nickels along the way to keep the phone going here. I got ignored on that one also so now I am getting the blame on that also here. There are alot of things that I go with out and I am not complaining at all here. This is what some never figured out about me at the time at all when they said at one time that I supposadly thought that I was a "Rich Bitch" on things. I saved up my money here while I was working and got things for the trailer and I have cut back in the house since I am not working at all. I am sure that some would have hollered about the grill and other things that I got also for the house here and I do not have to worry about it getting stolen out of the yard as much as I did now as at the trailer. Since I am not spoiled like some think that I am here totally it is ok now in what I do to streach out the money that is coming in. I scrimp and save for an item or items that I want in the household. The last big ticket items were the grill, T.V., and lawn mower here for the household that I finally bought brand new. This is what I get for being a tight wad in several ways that people like my Sister in Law did not get, along with others at the time. So now with some trying to cut me down it reminded me of why I do not want some folks around at all when I am trying to get that much cheaper in the household here yet again. I guess all of the coupons and other things were not good enough to some people in the area here and that is how it goes.
Well I am still wandering on some things here for the household here. I may as well get use to that part of things here totally. Now that I pretty much have known that I can go into the dollar stores here and feed the place yet again here on the cheap. So as I sit here and think on alot of things for the morning it makes me wander sometimes. Since my Dear Husband was in shock yesterday here since I was doing what I normally do during the week while he is not here at all. That is part of the funny thing about things here in what I will do for the place. Now with today I will be doing at least some of the housework here so I am not totally overloaded tomarrow. With that being said here this is what gets to my Husband totally and alot of things get done. Some folks will still be shocked in what I do nomatter what goes on. I have noticed that since I have been trying to cut down on alot more things here in the household it seems that some people finally get in what I do. I got asked in how I can do alot of things here last weekend and I told them that I have had to. With what I was told here during last weekend here it makes my bills look like I am a total tight wad for what goes on. Also here I thought my power bill was high when I got the bill here this past month and not anymore at all on that part. I told my Husband in what I knew and he about fell over like I did. I am happy that I do cut alot of things out during the day here with the week.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at least part of the worry is over here totally with some things that have been going on totally. Since I have came up swinging here for the one part I feel good about it all. Now I will be doing what I am suppose to be doing for my place and it will not be pretty around here after I get done from now on. With alot of the things that I am doing at this point in time I will have to step up the game here on that part of things. It helps with the back stock that I have got here in the household to get alot of things down. Now I can work on the power bill here instead of trying to figure out in how I will get the soaps and cleaners for the house. And yes that goes along with other things for the household at this time. With this week I did go up to the water company to pay that bill for the house of course and asked in what I could do to get the water bill lower here for the place. I got told nothing could be done at all about it and deal with it. So I got to thingking about that part and knowing that we need to replace at least 2 of the faucets here in the household already to help with that part of things. Since I hardly flush anyway here and take the short showers on top of it I guess that I need to get better at that part. I am not worried about the washer at this point in time since I have a low flow one at this point in time. With some not being here at all using my washer for their laundry and myself saying no to others who are water and power hogs at this time I guess I can be thankfull for that part of things here for the household. With that being said here I have several areas in the household to work on totally and it will all come togeather at some point in time. With the past weekend since I was down in PA here my Aunt and Uncle could not believe in how cheap I am while I was there. Since I am use to one main bathroom here for my place I asked out of habbit if anybody needed to use the bathroom before I got in there. We all started laughing about it once it hit them that this is what I am use to here for my own place. So now at this point in time it had been awhile with my Aunt also and she forgot that I like my veggies totally here and I loaded my plate up with them for dinner. I guess it is one of the things that I have here totally and that is how it all goes. Anyway at least I can say that some of us are getting that much cheaper here in our places and some of us are forced to also. Now with that part I will not get things like tomatoes at Target anymore here since they charge by the piece instead of the pound. All I can do is wait untill the tomatoes come out here in the garden now here. I almost said to take the mater back while I watched the poor gal ring it up yesterday while I was there. Ok so I had to return something that niether of us could eat at all. So now at this point I refuse to waste money on food that I can not eat at all here for the household. Also now since Target is somewhat high on some things I will wait for another day for things that are needed for the place. Also I picked up another cheap way from my Aunt while I was at her house this weekend and I will get some things totally here in my place that I never would have thought about here to do.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Pulling old ideas
Well I pulled out an old dinner plan that I had from about 15 years ago and it worked here for last night. I may as well do that part even cheaper around here also while I am at it all. Even my Husband got the point here in what I was doing totally as of last night for a change and did not even bother to holler about it at all for what I want to do here in the household. Since I still have a huge bag of rice here for the place I may as well use it up for dinners here totally. Maybe that is still what gets to some people here to this day about in what I will do to cut the costs in the household. There is still alot that I can do for the place before I am totally happy with where the bills are around here. Pluss since I did get alot of the laundry done yesterday here and hung up outside for the day some have not got that part as of yet in why I do things like that for the place that use to come over. Also I know I did hear some people that stopped over to see what I was doing yesterday here to be cheap. I do not forget a voice at all here and I know in what the person was trying to do also. Since I did not have my phone on me while I was hanging up the laundry and the person seen in what I was doing also it was one of the funnies that were pulled on the person that came over. All I can say is never make the comment that oh you have a dryer and I can use that and not hang out the laundry that I have when some wanted to move into the household almost 20 months ago here. Since that part did not happen at all here that is on them totally and I have got alot cheaper for the place since I told both of the people no at the time after I thought about it. As I told my Husband lastnight here that there were alot of factors in the mix and I did not even have a good feeling about what was said and what the 2 people wanted to do here. The poor man looked at me and said that I was more than right in how I felt since he had the gut feeling also that some things would happen in how I thought also at the time here. Ok so I took the better be safe than sorry part of things here on what I thought about what could have happened. I have also thought about in how lucky that I am on that I have the full run of the household here along with I can shop where I want when I want to do it. Pluss I can come and go as I please without having to ask to get out of the household also while I am at it here. Alot of the times granted I do not go out of the household except to take the poor dog out to do her thing and to pick up and drop off my Husband here also. It comes to the point of ok I have to get out at times to do what I have to do for the household and I do like to get out at times here. So as I sit here and think of all the things that I do here in the household and alot of things have been going to the cheaper side of things that I do, I do not mind it at this point in time in what else I can be doing here.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Well yesterday here I did get to some of the laundry here for the household. Today will be even worse here totally between that and the cages that need to be cleaned. Since there are several hot spots in the house here I may as well get started here shortly to get alot of it done for the morning. I am just thankfull that nobody is here so I can get all of this done without being asked why I do it this way instead of their way in the household. I have noticed that since I have been home here I have had alot of good thoughts on how to cut down on alot of things here in the household without a problem at all. Also here my Husband has not freaked out at all on me in what I told him in what I wanted to do for the place. Alot of things get done during the week here without my Dear Husband even home and that is how both of us have cut down for the household over the past 20 months. The nice thing about all of what I am doing here for the place at this time is that I am taking a long hard look at alot of things to see where I can still cut down on things along with other bills here. This weekend will be shot anyway since I will have to run the window units here and that does not mean that I do not have to do other things that are on the cheap side for the place here. I know that I have said in other posts here that I am always working on cutting down on the cleaners for the place and that part will never change at all. Also in between time here I have to get back out to Target to return an item that niether of us can eat here in the house. Ok so I got some pretty good deals with that part here yesterday while I was out of the household this week. One thing that I have noticed when I threw out people and told others no on moving in is that I can go to places like Target to shop now without a problem at all here and still be cheap on things. Since I do not mind Target at all here and at one point I refused to go with some people that were at the trailer. It says something in how things have got alot better here in the past 20 months totally. There are other places that I shop at also that I would not figure on also for the household at this time nor 3 years ago. So now here at least I can say also is that now I can get the off brand names and not think twice about that part at all for the place that I am at. So now lets see what I can get done for the day here and go from there.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Shaking my head
Well as I sit here at this point in time I have noticed alot of things. I had went down to Punxsy this past weekend here and I got to think alot within 24 hours totally. One of the things that I noticed here was that I can get the place that much cheaper without hardly any problems at all. That is one nice thing about going to PA with the slower pace of life also. With that said here I have finally figured out why I have thrown some people out around the trailer and did not want anyone to move in on me here also into the house. Since alot of the bills have came down when myself and my Husband moved into the place that we are now I know that it is not that bad now. Also alot more things have been sticking around while I have been at it all. In what I have noticed here is that since I do try to streach out things when I was in the trailer and kept that part here for the household also the dish soap is sticking around for longer time periods along with other things also here without being over used at all. When I would say something to my Niece at the trailer about the over use of things I would get the answer of oh well this is what I want and you can not stop me at all. Now it also explains why she did not want to go down to Punxsy this past weekend besides other things in the mix that I already knew about since her boyfriend tried to push his weight with me also 20 months ago. So now here at least I can say that things have got alot cheaper here without a problem at all and will get alot cheaper since I have been thinking about it more. Also it has helped in that I have switched alot of the products over that are lower in cost for the household in the past almost 7 months here. With alot of it so far here is that I do turn more things off for longer periods of time since I have been home for the past almost 2 days and I was working on that part anyway for the place. So it will make me wander in why I have not done this way before now with getting the trailer switched over totally before we moved and after we moved. Now at this point in time I have figured that it is ok to put the leftovers in the freezer for a later date to dethaw and eat in the household here since we got the place. What would have hurt some if they were still under my roof when we first moved into the house is and was that the gas stove was not hooked up for the first month almost here and the cable was not here also for the first 2 weeks also. I used the crock pots, microwave, and the convection oven that I have to cook with untill the gas oven was hooked up totally. Also while I was at it all I dropped the house phone also the first month that we were here. So some would have freaked out on me for the 3 things here that went on. My Husband and I joked around here that at least we had power, phone and a fridge this go around compaired to when we moved into the trailer. At least I can laugh at this time for alot of things that have went on over the years in what we did to keep the trailer and the house going without a problem at all.
Friday, August 17, 2012
The hurry up and wait game
Well at this time I am in the mode of hurry and wait for my Niece here totally. So I will see in what happends here this morning while I pack the last things that are needed here totally. I really do not expect the girl to be here at all today at all. I told her boyfriend that this was the last chance here for a ride down and back up from Punxsy with me other wise he had to find a way for her. Since the guy is on probation he is not suppose to leave the county at all and does it anyway and the guy popped off with ya know that I can't leave the state. All I could say was not my problem at all and he should have thought about it. Since there is one bus line that goes into that town here and it is once a day from what I know down the street where I stay at for the out of towners. Last time I checked it was about 100 dollars round trip to Punxsy. So with that part being said here also it amazes me in how people do not think around here at all in the area. When I say this it is becuase I look at all of the options totally and take the cheaper one out of all the eviles that are offered. So a tank of gas is the less of it all and I can handle that part of things totally here. So it makes me wander in what some will not think of at all and how to do things and it sealed in what I was thinking from before. Or some were never told to think things thru around the area from their parents like I was told growing up. At this point in time here at least I did offer to do here and that is all I can do at this point in time on things.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Well at this point I wander about some things still here. Since today will be a busy day here without a problem at all. With that part I have to pack and clean out the truck here so I can go tomarrow down to Punxsy here and see what is up from there. Since I still have that feeling that my one Niece will not show up at all at the time that I told her it is ok by me here. The last time I talked to my Niece I got told I called her boyfriend a liar. I know I did not do that part at all here even though I do not believe him anyway totally at this point in time. So if my Niece does not show up it will be cheaper on me anyway when I get down to Punxsy tomarrow and for Saturday here. Since I am not sure in when I will get back at all anyway for that matter here it is ok with my Husband. I figure that it is my time to get away around here for at least a day and there would be no worries at all hardly. So now at this time it will give me a chance to shop also here at a different Aldi and it will be cheaper on me than up here in NY State. When most everything is about 30 cents if not more cheaper down in PA where I got to I will start shopping totally. It is the perfect time to get the canned veggies for the household here also once I think of it before the prices go up even more here within a couple of months. Either way I will be taking afew things in the truck with me here on the way down so I can come back up and not have to worry about some things at all coming out of the bed of the pick up at all. Maybe that is what some are scared of also here if I took my Niece down to PA with me is that she can get alot of things cheaper other than saying hey it is ok to be away for acouple of days also from some people here. So I will wander about that untill it is confirmed to me here also in what is really going down with some. So as I sit here and think of all the things that needs to be done here already for the day and how I will get it all done totally here I am ok with it at this point in time.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Looking around
Well I got to looking around yesterday here and I know that I can streach out what is left of the towels untill next week here totally before I have to throw them in the washer. The nice thing here is that I have enough of a back up system to do some damage nomatter in what I do at this time. This is why I want to use some of the back stock that I have here in the household at this time also. I know some people do not like in what I do here at all and that is fine by me here now. So as I sit here and think about Friday still and wander if some will show up to go with me this time to see family. All I can do is wander about that part here and go from there at this time. Anyway yesterday was a fairly good day all and all. I did get out of the house here for about 2 hours and I got to think on alot of things that I can do better here for the household totally. Now I know why I really wanted to go that much cheaper for the trailer at the time and it spilled over to the household. With that being said here now there has been alot on my mind on what has happened over the years and I wanted to prove a point to some people here in the area and to other family members also. Since I have made it here in the past 19 years on my own and have cut and slashed things totally to get the house along with other things it has been one heck of a ride. From the first time in meeting the out laws, doing alot of the grunt work myself, and being called a "Rich Bitch" from some people also over the years by pinching pennies to save for what I got at the trailer to get to where I am today. I guess that is why it took myself and my Husband almost 3 years to go thru all the shampoo, conditioner, and bar soap that my one Sister in Law bought in the last 2 years that she was up and going. Since I pinched, scraped and worked over the years for the better cookwear for the kitchen and other places in the trailer at the time here, I guess that made me a bad person all togeather here at the time. That is all I can figure at this time in what happened and what the out laws thought at the time. To where others said that I was doing things totally right at the time and not to worry about squat at all. Also I never really let it get to me in the first place with some since I was at the trailer constantly and they were not hardly there. Pluss there were times where I wanted to just freak out over things since I knew it was not going right at all and it turned out anyway. I guess this is why I still pick up all of the nickels while I am out and that part has helped out totally for food and paying the bills over the years also. Some of the things that have went on over the years I can laugh about now since the fight was on when I got back to the trailer. So it has not all been bad over the years at all and some of us have made it. Since my one Mother taught me well in what to do and how to do when I was younger it has helped me out in the long run to get the back stock when it is good to go with money coming into the place that I was at. Now here with the election year and several other things going on also I am thankfull for the back stock so I do not have to spend money when I do not have to at all at this time. With the back stock that is here 95% of it has been on huge sales totally and that is when I bought that part of things. I still like the one managers face and him saying oh wow when I cut the bill in half with just the card at the time. Pluss I did not get cut down for what I got along with stocking up on some things for the household also while I was at it all. Now here after 6 months of not eating total dog crud from some it has got alot better on me here in what I can do.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Shaking my head
Well I did get out for alittle bit yesterday here. I am so happy at this point to be out of the trailer park that it is not even funny. Some people never change at all and they are as nosey as ever. I had to laugh yesterday while I was at the trailer park totally with trailer 34 here since he does not have any controle over me any more with my Husband and myself moving out. Since I was stuck in the trailer most of the time there at the last becuase of some of the neighbors there and being told that I was nothing but a bother to all the neighbors anyway before we left. The manager at the time then turned around and said to me after we were out that I was one of the better tenants there. I shook my head and said to her what made ya change your mind after 2 months of me being out. So now here since I am totally out of the park here and have got alot cheaper while I have been at it also for the house. I have also noticed that it is alot more peacefull here at the house compaired to the trailer and some of the neighbors were lousy and they still are. At this point in time I can turn everything off and that goes along with the radio also here and hear the birds outside and watch the cars go by the house. Another thing here that I can do is cook outside without the worry of trailer 34's kids coming over and trying to mouch food off of me also. I could not believe it untill I seen it for myself while I was there with all of the peanutbutter that was going to the kids while the parents were eating stake almost every night in that trailer. Now at this time also here for the house I have 3 window units for to cool the house off with instead of the a/c unit outside. I have found out that it is cheaper with the window units here than the honker that was out at the trailer when we were there. Pluss I miss the lines that were at the trailer for the laundry also and that is it on that in what I miss. Anyway at least now here I can hang laundry outside and not have to really worry about the neighbors making comments on that part of things totally. So now I can really go with hanging out laundry along with other things for the household still that will cut down on the bills compaired to the trailer. Also I do not have to holler at my Niece to get away from the drying racks at all anymore since we moved out of the trailer. I think that was her favorite thing to do at the time is to stick her feet under clean wet laundry.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Well I am cooking again here and dinner will be on the cheap side of things again for the household. Since I picked up 2 heads of cabbage yesterday for under 4 dollars here, we get cabbage again tonight here. It is one of the veggies that myself and my Husband does not mind eating all of the time for food. So there are more cheap ways than some people thought totally around the area. As someone else told me about 2 months ago that she liked cabbage also and wanted to cook more of it for her place also. I told the woman that the heads of cabbage are small at the stores since they think they have everyone around the area. I ended up at one of the farms here in the area totally since I had to go out that way anyway yesterday here I got 2 huge heads of cabbage that are about 7 lbs apiece. What some do not get is that when there is a will there is a way to streach out the food dollars in the household. And yes some of the neighbors get in why I try to do that part of the household to where the others are mad in how I do things in the house. With that being said here alot of the times in the summer here some will not see when I get to the store on the weekends since they are out of their own house most of the weekend here. Since the one neighbores are out most of the time here they do not see all of the onions, flour, potatoes, noodles, baking pwoder, yeast, sugar, and butter that comes in as staples here for my place. With that list as the main for my place I try and stock up on that part when I get to the stores here. Also I throw in chicken, ground beef, and alot of veggies that I can find on the cheap at the stores also. When the prices hit below a dollar at the stores that is when you try to get as much as you can with your budget that you have for the household. There have been times that every other month I would get the meats for the house the the other months I would get the veggies. It all worked out at the trailer.
Shaking my head
Well at this point in time it still amazes me in how many nickels that I can still pick up here in the mornings on my walks here. Alot of it is the kids who just could care less on what they all do around the area at this time still. Their loss is my gain here once I think about it all. At this point in time while I was out on my walk this morning I started plotting on what needed to be done here in the household also while I was at it. Pluss it also gave me a chance to figure out in what to do first here to start cleaning again. Most of the time I do take the weekends off for the most part on the housework and I pay for it by Monday in the afternoon here normally. Since alot of the streaching of things out here is almost second hand to me now after about 8 years it does help with not spending so much money at the stores. When I can get stocked up for under 50 dollars a month it is a good month here for my place. That is how I started to look at things here after the first 2 years totally. So now with alot of it I still think on how to streach things further from the trailer to the house and that part will never stop at all out of me. Alot of times I have noticed that some people do not like it when some of us do try to streach out things like the dish and laundry soaps for our places compaired to their place. All I can say to the people who cut others down for it here is that at least we do not have to go out 4 times a month to shop at all. Some people would be screwed if they had to plan meals for the month for the household totally along with other things that have to be done. Alot of the time I am robotic about things for myown household totally. It also helps out when there is a plan in place for the household to get things done while I am at it all. Now with myself walking again I will pick up the nickels along the way to help pay for food and other things for the household. This is what some have not got about me over the years here is that I will pick up the nickels nomatter what is going on for the household and it has helped out alot over the years here. So now here since alot of the back stock will be used here while I am thinking of it and how to do alot of this for the household yet again.
Well since part of my walk is out of the way so far today I feel kind of better. Also I picked up a dollar in nickels already this morning here. As I was saying this is why I do not mind the dollar stores at all at this point in time since they do have food in them now days. Also Kmart has the bargin food for a dollar at this time here once I think about it all. With that being said here there are ways still to be cheap in the area and get by with it all here. I totally forgot about how much the walks pick me up during the day here and it seems like I can do this all again for the place without a problem. Pluss not only that I feel that I can pick things up even cheaper here if I walk more. So now I will see what I can do for walking more and picking up the nickels along the way along with other money that people do not want in the area here also. It will be a nice change instead of sitting here in the household wandering all of the time about things. With that being said here at least I can get my mind clear here on the walks.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Well at this point in time here I am back to my walks here totally. It gives me another reason of why to budget that much harder here for the household along with the back stock in the household. So now here with that part of things that I am working on it gives me a chance to start out again for the groceries for the place. Since there are dollar stores around along with places like Aldi and Save A Lot here I should be ok when I go to pick up groceries for both kitchens. Since my Husband asked yesterday in how I will end up doing alot of things now after all of this, I told him easy at this point since I have been thinking on alot of it anyway. With that being said here I have been wanting to turn off alot more things here in the household for a good while and this week I get my wish on that part of it. Now knowing that there has been alot of hot and dry days all over the place it has finally cooled off enough to where I can turn off the window units here and open the windows totally. I guess it goes along with in why I hang the laundry up to dry here for the household also. When I seen the 170 dollar power bill this month I freaked out about it here. So now I will get something done about that very shortly here for the household. Since I am revamping the budget anyway here for the household I have started in about 3 places here and knowing that it is not to much on me for that part of things it is ok here at this point. Pluss the walks are to clear my mind anyway from the jumbled mess that I have in the memo department and I get that out of my system. Sometimes it was easier in the trailer since it was an excape out of there to go for a long walk. Then I look back over the past 20 months here and ask myself how could I have put up with some of the people there totally. I was getting cheaper there at that point in time untill I let some move in with us also and noticed that the bills were going up instead of the on the way down. Maybe that is why I said not to the person who asked me to let him and my one Niece come here to the house also. And that is a whole nother blog period here on that part.
Spending less
Well some days are worse than others here for the household totally on spending. So now at this point at least I have some veggies back into the house since I did not have a choice in the matter. I have to cook dinner around here on the weekends since going out to eat is not an option at all here. I guess this is what gets to some people that are around still in why I am trying to cut even more out of the budget still. Also there are other reasons to why I am getting that much cheaper here for the household at this time. Without the window units going it will help out that much more here in the place to cut on that bill totally. Since I am trying to see what I can do here for afew things still and hope that it will work out for the best here. Also I am back to my walks here totally. I have had no choice in that part and the 15 cents last night got me started again. I had to wait on my Husband to come in anyway and it was a good reason to get out of the truck for awhile. So now I do know where to hit up for that part of things here in the area. What I am doing with collecting the nickels is to see how many I can get for the week here and try to get the groceries along with other things on what I get again. Also since there is the back stock in the household I should be ok on alot of the things that are already here.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Shaking my head
Welln at least I know that I can pick up the nickels out of the yard next door to me from now on. So with that being said here now the pick ups and the walking will begin here totally once again. Since I do not mind the walks anyway here, what the problem is here at this point in time is that I have to get motivated yet again. And I did get that small push here lastnight from someone while I was at it. So now I will start again with longer walks here instead of the smaller ones that I have been taking. Anyway yesterday I did get the cages cleaned out, with the garbage out to the curb, and the laundry hung up outside. Ok so I never said that the middle of the week was always calm here for the household. It seems like 3 times a week here I am very busy and at least 2 days I can sit back around the place. The best part of it all here is that I can try to do things on the cheap here for the household. This is what alot of the government can not understand about some of us here in the area at all. With all of the people that are on welfare here in the area and I am sure it is all and about 3/4th of them do not need it at all along with the disability checks also. I will admit that the system is broken totally here and it makes me wander in how some people can fake things here also in alot of ways. I know of 3 people right now that are on the system totally and are way to lazy to do anything at all except collect the once a month check and partial welfare also. Knowing this there is nothing that I can do about the 3 people that are on the system totally here. That is why I do not even bother with the 3 people here at all at this time. The last call I got from the thing of a brother in law he was begging for money to get groceries for his place. I asked where did both checks go along with the 400 dollars in food stamps that they got and he could not tell me anything at all. What our Niece could not understand was in why I said and when the thing went to the hospital for diabetic shock again. I asked when and she said on the 15th of that month. All I could say is that sounds about right for what she normally does here since the thing goes about that time when the money runs out in their place. That has been going on for the past 18 years here and it will not stop at all. With that being said it is the system hard at work here totally. Or it is NY State hard at work totally one. Pluss alot of it here and now Obama wants most of the people caught in the welfare system anyway it seems and that is why I said that I do not want him back into office at all for another 4 years.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this point in time I really do not want another 4 years of Obama period here. The loss of jobs is one the other is that I am being forced into something that I do not believe in with the health care at this time. Where else do I need to cut back here on just to get the Damn Package for health care and is it food at this point in time or just shut off the power or do both here so I can afford the plan for health insurance. Another thing is that since the US has tanked in many ways here I am lucky that I got the house when we did 20 months ago here. When I found out that the lot rent is more than both loans put togeather here I knew we got out of the trailer park in time. Also with all the food that is supposadly bad for everyone according to Mouchie, Obama's wife here, just stick a fork in the schools hot lunch and would they eat in what is made totally at this point? The food was pretty bad when I was in school 20 years ago here and I would hate to see what it looks like now. That leads up to the welfare program totally here also. I know several people still on the system at this point in time and about 3/4's of them get just total junk food or the better stakes and sea food. They eat better than some of us that are not on the food stamps at all. I have been seeing alot of folks not returning back to work since welfare is right there waiting on them to get in on the free money. All I can do is laugh at this point and wait untill they all have to go back in and recertify for that part of things. It is a pain in the toush to say the least. I was only on food stamps at one time here and it was an all day affair to get them for the trailer at the time. If some people only knew about that at this time they would rather get the low paying job and streach out that income to the max. But then again that is what the president and his wife want at this time here totally along with other things also. Granted the very dry weather has not helped some of us out at all here that are working just to keep afloat and to hold on in what we have also here. Ok so Rush picked up where Baurle left off in the morning here. The station is and everything kicks off at 9 am NY time here totally. And I am soory if I butchered your last name Tom. Now I know why I have been going alot cheaper by listening to the radio here along with other things that have been going on also in the world. I have came up swinging here totally and I am looking for ways to get that much cheaper to prove a point here to some folks that it is not ok to over spend in what comes into the household. Credit cards what is that in my place except the ATM card that is hooked up to my account at the bank here. That is the only card I want so if I do not have cash that day I know I have something in the account here that has been budgeted out to the max here anyway. This is what some will never understand at all that are in office at this point since they get a per dem along with their pay. That is why they get over 100 grand a year. The per dem is non taxable still to this day and is free money. And you wander why the gas is so expensive ask Obama to put in the pipe line where it is needed here and you will see some of the prices come down at the supermarkets. Diesle is still over 4 dollars a gallon here and the price has to be passed onto someone totally.
Work starting already
Well I found out some things about myself yesterday that I knew already. With that being said I was pretty much down around here and I picked up my attatude here by getting out of the house for awhile also here. Also in what I have learned here is that I can go cheaper here without a problem at all here and it is ok to do so for the household. This is what happends when I get out and think in ways that I can do all of this. Since I got out and started thinking about things here for the household it was a good thing here totally and I came up with more than a few things that I can still do here. Besides cutting down on everything here in the household as I normally do at this time I have broke out the laptop yet again here to try that part again. Even though I still need the big system here to print out coupons and afew other things here of course. Another thing is that I will start walking more here from now on untill it is way to far of a walk along with to many groceries to lug back also. With all of the stores not to far way here I can walk to pay bills without a problem here along with picking up the nickels to and from the store while I am at it all. I got to thinking of that part here when I pulled onto the gas island to fill up the truck totally here and 65 dollars later. The good thing about walking is that I will drop the weight also along with getting the extra money here nomatter in how much it is. Even the stores around where I am at will take back the nickels that are collected and the dollars will go into a seperate jar and the change will go into another jar here for the place. I already have that maped out for that part of things for the place now. All I can do is hope that I will do ok for that part of things here for the household and see what I can do on that part of it all. Since the washer is already going for the day here and I will get as much laundry done as I can along with other things here in the household since it is the middle of the week here I will do ok I hope on that part also for the day. Alot of my problem is that I listen to my neck more than ever here and when I know that I can get things done and not able to here I get down about it all.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Just wandering
Well I am wandering again if I am doing the right thing for the household. Ok so I am having one of the days where I know that it will be a struggle for me here for the household. Yes I still struggle here sometimes with alot of the things that I know work for the place and I can not shake the being cut down at times here from some people still. Maybe I am just getting restless again and knowing that I have to get out of the household totally just to feel better. I see that I will have to start walking again here maybe to feel better also. Oh well at least I know now in what I have to do to take care of myself totally. Also it will move the bad junk out of my head again also while I am at it all. Anyway at least I know that I can refill bottles and get some of the stuff out to the recycle bin today and get out for afew minutes to pay a bill also here. Since the smaller bottles are easier to manage with me now I will have to stick with them for the time being also. I am not totally back as of yet since the car accident that I have had almost 2 years ago. And the repetitive actions that I have been doing were not totally lost with what happened also with the accident that I was in. All I can say is that I am thankfull that I did not totally loose at all and it does not help. So now I have to put some things out of my mind and go from there at this point in time here. The walks that I was taking 2 years ago did help out some in order to clear my mind totally and I did pretty well at picking up the nickels also while I was at it all at that point.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Shaking my head
Sometimes it makes me wander at this point in time when some people here in the area spend way to much money every where that they go. Between just getting an item because it is there and they want it for their place and screw the needs of the household. I know several people here in the area that get what they want when they want it and screw the bills, food, some cleaners, and gas to get back and fourth to work. With that being said here in what they do get it the high priced things that does not work as well or do not think about in how much the item costs when they are out of the household at this time. With some people that I know they have not paid bills and got some things cut off in their place also and wanted to come over here and watch T.V. totally and this is when the person told me oh I have to keep the house phone since nobody hardly knows my cell phone number. The person got the package cut for the cable to their place back in May. So by June the person wanted to come back to my place and the idea was shot down totally. The person did not have a chanse to come back at all after what I found out anyway here. This is why I say to start looking on where you can cut down in the place that you are at and think of ways that you can cut down without risking your health at all. Between the coupons and the store cards you can do very well out in the stores at this time also. Then with the power cut down on the computer time and T.V. times here also, and if you have kids in the house make them go outside to play. All I can ask is what the heck do ya think that our grandparents and everyone before them do without the T.V. in the household. They went outside to play instead of staying inside the households. Also get drying racks for to dry laundry on for the household and the umbrella lines are about 40 dollars without the concreat also to sink them in. I have noticed that without one person using the dryer all of the time here my bill has dropped by at least 75 dollars per month and without being on the computer and watching T.V. all day to go along with it. I started that over at the trailer totally and still do not watch much T.V. during the day. That is how I over compinsated since I kept that part off untill 8 pm Monday thru Thursdays around here and put the laundry up on the lines down stairs and on the drying racks also. Even in the winter time I did that part of things here. Some people like the person that was coming over did not get in what I was doing in the first place and figured oh well if they used the dryer constantly. So now this is why I say think before you do in the household also here and now. Also another thing is that if you have full loads of laundry get the full load done. Just like with the dish washer do the full loads and pick a time at 8:05 pm or early in the morning to run that to save money. There are many ways to save in the household without a problem here and everyone in the household has to be on the same page also when it comes down to it all.
Well my Husband will see the house in full swing in what I do all day here while he is gone. He will be home for part of the day here and pretty much knows that I will turn off things here. With that being said I have the window units already off around here and the windows open here in the household. All I can say is that alot of changes are on the way here in the household and some people have already noticed in what I have been trying to do here so far. With some of the changes there has been alot more coupons floating around here along with sale items for the household here. This is why I use the cards for the store at this point also since if you do not use it the item will not be on sale at all. I am thinking that it was about 3 months ago I was standing in one of the Rite Aids here that we have in the area and the gal looked at the cashier and said I do not want the card and can care less if the item is on sale. All I could think of was sure go and waste money here and now and you will learn about it. When I saved over 42 dollars with the card and coupons here pluss to get 13 dollars back in coupons it is well worth the effort on that part of things. When I say get the card do it to help start with that part of the household totally. Besides the use of coupons I got the cards for the store also. It has helped out on alot of things like the $1.99 for the laundry soap for the place. There are times where I use the bleach alt. for the laundry also. Sometimes you can not loose on deals like that for the household here. I still think of the one Manager that checked me out in Febuary here right after I got dumped also and the look on his face was priceless when my bill was cut in half here at that Rite Aid store with the card and no coupons that day. So now at this point in time some people have figured that I am stocked up on alot of things here in my place and they have hardly seen me carry in groceries or much of anything for that matter they are in shock totally. Also here with the trip that I am about to take a week from Friday here I will take in all of the nickels that I have to help out here for that trip.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Well at this point I know that I can cut alot more here in the household. Since I have the back stock at this point in time it makes it easier in some areas in the household totally. There are some things that I can not stand at all from some people still to this day one is when someone that will cut me down when they are totally broke for their household and can not afford in what the expensive products that they get and justify it and the other is when someone desides that it is ok to use way to much on things. Ok so I tossed some people out and vice versa here and at this point in time I am streaching alot of things that much more without some even coming over as they use to. Maybe that is why I was wanting to switch things over here at the house also. Besides taking it easy on the wallet here, I do not mind getting the cheaper end of things at all now here. Some people here in the area I have came to realize just do not care and if you do not do it their way at all you are blasted 10 ways to Sunday on what you think and do without the person. Since I have always done things with thinking on something first to see if there is an easier and cheaper way of doing things for a household. It is like why do people who are broke use the dryer when they have it and others of us hang the laundry instead. Also why are some bills lower than others once I think of it when some try really hard at it to get them low and others complain about it. That is what I do not like up here in NY State totally since alot of people are total snobs in who I have met so far here in the past 19 years.
Way to much
With the heat outside with yesterday the poor window units had a hard time keeping up with the house here totally. It was nuts around here since it went up to 80 here in the house even with the 3 window units going all day. So now that the dryer is out of the question here for being used and some will have to understand this out of me since the last power bill is 170 dollars at this time. Between the racks and the umbrella lines I should be ok for that part of things here for the rest of the summer and into November here if the weather holds out. Since I am done for the most part of shopping here also for the first kitchen and need to stock up for the second kitchen totally I should be ok here for alot of things. With everything going up here about 10% with the weather and other factors in it all within 5 months alot of folks will have to budget better on that part of the household. Since I can get more coupons here for the place to help out totally and get over to places like Aldi and Save A Lot for the household I should be ok on alot of things like that here. With alot of people here in the area on welfare or on partial welfare and the government does not care one way or the other. Some of us have set up a very tight budget for the place that we are in since we do not get the food stamps anymore. That bites some people totally in what some of us folks do to make it doing without here also. Alot of the times people are out of controle with spending for their place. What they do not get is that I can go over to the dollar store and get alot more out of either store here for alot less money than they spend at the regular big box stores. With that being said here there will be alot more dollar store hopping along with the non name brand store hopping from now on in my place. Since I am trying to cut back as much as possible at this point untill the bills start coming down here again then I should be ok. Pluss I know where I can get fire wood also for nothing at all while I am at it. So I will try to keep the gas bill down for this winter here totally along with the power bill while I am at it all. There are so many things that people can do to keep the bills down that it is not even funny at this time. Since the sub pump has not really ran at all this summer here I am saving on that part of things also. Between wear and tear on it along with the power to run the thing.
Shaking my head
Well at this point in time I still have not got a bill for the cell phones here and ran up to AT&T to see the bill totally with what I printed out myself. Even the gal who helped us out said no wait there is a huge problem here with this. So we got that straight within about 10 minutes and were on our way. So with that part done we ended up at the corn fest out in Eden NY and had a good time even though it hit 96 outside before we left at about 1:30 in the afternoon. There were things to see on the way back to the house here for the day and I enjoyed the ride back since I did not drive at all. My Husband started laughing since I spent way under my budget and still have money left from the day. That will get pulled back here for the next trip that I have to take here. Oh well at least I know that I will have the money to go again here soon. With that being said here and I have really noplace to go to untill the 17th of this month here at least I will have gas money to do so. With alot of things here already I know that I will have to pay bills here again shortly for the rest of the month and I am not looking forward to it all.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Well I was gonna scream when I opened the power bill and my face said it all to the one neighbor totally today. He asked in how much the power bill was and I told him at 170 dollars and he said that I was lucky since his was 400 dollars this month. Also to day was a crud day for coupons at Rite Aid at $11.25 and I got back 13 dollars worth of coupons here totally from the card. Since they will be used here again without a problem at all for what is needed for the household. So now I get to cut back totally again here or at least try to either way for the power bill and many other things for the household. At this point it does not matter in what or how I do things here at all anymore. I got asked today if I needed any T.P. for the household and I said no since I have that on back stock along with other things for the household. One of the other costomers about flipped when I said that. Now knowing that if some were here with me in the household it would have been gone by now totally and I would have to pick up more. It always has amazed me that in what some people will do to waste things on others here in the area. So now since I have the back stock again for the household it does not seem as bad at this time that things will be used up here from now on untill I am about out of things. May as well do at this point since almost everything has been switched over to the cheaper end of the cleaners and many other things for the household here. Oh and I am 15 cents up on the day with the nickels that I picked up out of the end of the driveway and over in the parking lot of Rite Aid also without even trying. That is one of the things that the one neighbor can not stand still to this point with me since I do pick up the nickels that everyone throws out in places that I go to. Ok so it is not much here in what I have so far for the day and that is fine since I will get out tonight here and take a walk around 2 of the parking lots here. I will keep busy untill my Husband comes home totally. So now with that said I better get some things done here in the household and go from there.
What was I thinking
Well I still wander in what I was thinking yesterday when I hit Wegmans yesterday afternoon. Talk about jammed packed around there. After standing in line for almost an hour to check out I finally made it out with a broke card for the store. What can I say here except I have one on the way yet again. After the one girl and I started laughing since the phone number changed and the address that I am at. So that part is done for the time being here and I get more coupons for the store thru the mail coming to the house. Now at this point in time some are impressed that I ended up with all the meats that I did the other day at the meat market and that I am cooking outside tonight and the rest of the weekend here totally. In what I picked up yesterday was bread and onions for the household and second kitchen here. Pluss there were other things that I picked up also and it was about 40 dollars by the time I got done. I guess that is how it all goes here for the place totally. Also it has came to light that the Seneca Nation is fighting with NY State again here. If the government got up and drove part of the roads that they were suppose to fix and see how rough they really are gee they would have been fixed already after 18 years. With I86 being such a dang washboard and tearing up tires along with other things it makes me wander. Ok so the Seneca's are holding the casino earnings for the state to get them off their toushes to fix something here. This past year I have been on several parts of the reservation and some of the roads have got alot worse since the last time I was there on the road. I have been up here 19 years and it has been a non stop battle either way. So now at this point in time here it makes me wander totally in NY State in what they have for the pork barrel along with ear marks for spending. That in its self is a whole new post here on the blog.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this point alot of people that I know are not doing well at all. With yesterday here I ended up paying bills and got some meats for the household totally while I was out of the household. Pluss I cleaned for alot of the time that I was home also here since today is the garbage pick up for the week. I still have alot to do here that does not involve some things at all and still have to get to the rest of the laundry here for today so I will not have to worry about not having around the place nor getting screamed at by others since I did not get to that part of the housework here. So as I sit here and plot for the day and the cheapest way I can get things done for the household I guess this is what gets to some people that know me real well still and maybe I have lit the fire under them at this point in time also. When I told my father this week I was saving up for solar panels for the household here he thought I was nuts for the want of that part. All I can say is so be it in what he thinks at this point in time here. At least I am thinking of if and when the power should go out and at least the fridge and freezer will keep going also here for the house. Ok so I learned my lesson when I was at the trailer and the power would go out all of the time. Anyway at this time I am thinking on alot of things still here for the household and how to get things that much cheaper here also during the month. May as well do that part of things totally. At this point I will be using the back stock here for the household and I do not mind it at all since some things need to be used anyway here. It will only drive down the costs of the place here and now. So I will take a long hard look at some things that need to be done here for the household and go from there. Between the coupons and sales for other things here I should be ok for other parts of the place also. Now at this point in time I did get a good look around here and will start here in the main room of the household this morning and slowly get things done here for the household.
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