Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Shaking my head
Well I did get out for alittle bit yesterday here. I am so happy at this point to be out of the trailer park that it is not even funny. Some people never change at all and they are as nosey as ever. I had to laugh yesterday while I was at the trailer park totally with trailer 34 here since he does not have any controle over me any more with my Husband and myself moving out. Since I was stuck in the trailer most of the time there at the last becuase of some of the neighbors there and being told that I was nothing but a bother to all the neighbors anyway before we left. The manager at the time then turned around and said to me after we were out that I was one of the better tenants there. I shook my head and said to her what made ya change your mind after 2 months of me being out. So now here since I am totally out of the park here and have got alot cheaper while I have been at it also for the house. I have also noticed that it is alot more peacefull here at the house compaired to the trailer and some of the neighbors were lousy and they still are. At this point in time I can turn everything off and that goes along with the radio also here and hear the birds outside and watch the cars go by the house. Another thing here that I can do is cook outside without the worry of trailer 34's kids coming over and trying to mouch food off of me also. I could not believe it untill I seen it for myself while I was there with all of the peanutbutter that was going to the kids while the parents were eating stake almost every night in that trailer. Now at this time also here for the house I have 3 window units for to cool the house off with instead of the a/c unit outside. I have found out that it is cheaper with the window units here than the honker that was out at the trailer when we were there. Pluss I miss the lines that were at the trailer for the laundry also and that is it on that in what I miss. Anyway at least now here I can hang laundry outside and not have to really worry about the neighbors making comments on that part of things totally. So now I can really go with hanging out laundry along with other things for the household still that will cut down on the bills compaired to the trailer. Also I do not have to holler at my Niece to get away from the drying racks at all anymore since we moved out of the trailer. I think that was her favorite thing to do at the time is to stick her feet under clean wet laundry.