Sunday, August 26, 2012
Thinking again
Well since I have been thinking here on alot of things I know that I can get that much cheaper for the place at this time. When some are saying that they are broke and then I find out what they are doing here for where they are at now all I can do is shake my head on alot of things. Since I have started cutting down here in my place yet again it makes me wander in what some are doing still in their own place. Ok so I never said that I did things the right way and there really is no wrong way of getting cheaper anyway for the household. I know that I have cut down on alot of things here in myown place here and shop for the bargins also while I am at it. Just like cooking on the cheap helps out alos for the point of time that I am at still. Things also like getting dish soap for 77 cents instead of 5 dollars a bottle here for the dishes and other things that are done with that part. Sometimes I can laugh here since some do not figure that I am as cheap as I am at this time. When I started thinking on alot of things in Febuary of this year and got dropped and did not want anything do with the person in May I knew that I was on the right track since I did not get cut down anymore. With that being said I know in that I can do more here and have done more without a problem at all. Knowing that the power bill has came down here totally without some and seeing that it would have been higher than 170 dollars that it was for this month when it came in by not using the dryer along with other things here. I have also found out that I do not need alot here for the household with the cable totally. I have delt without the movie channels for so long that why bother with them to have that bill up higher. When you are that broke in any household sometimes you have to give up some things that you like for awhile totally. Just like I did with the house phone here. It has been almost 2 years here since I dropped that part of things. That is what some if they were here and still here would not like at all in what I did at that point in time. As I told one Niece you have the perfect chance to get a pre paid cell phone and to pick up the nickels along the way to keep the phone going here. I got ignored on that one also so now I am getting the blame on that also here. There are alot of things that I go with out and I am not complaining at all here. This is what some never figured out about me at the time at all when they said at one time that I supposadly thought that I was a "Rich Bitch" on things. I saved up my money here while I was working and got things for the trailer and I have cut back in the house since I am not working at all. I am sure that some would have hollered about the grill and other things that I got also for the house here and I do not have to worry about it getting stolen out of the yard as much as I did now as at the trailer. Since I am not spoiled like some think that I am here totally it is ok now in what I do to streach out the money that is coming in. I scrimp and save for an item or items that I want in the household. The last big ticket items were the grill, T.V., and lawn mower here for the household that I finally bought brand new. This is what I get for being a tight wad in several ways that people like my Sister in Law did not get, along with others at the time. So now with some trying to cut me down it reminded me of why I do not want some folks around at all when I am trying to get that much cheaper in the household here yet again. I guess all of the coupons and other things were not good enough to some people in the area here and that is how it goes.