Thursday, August 2, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this point alot of people that I know are not doing well at all. With yesterday here I ended up paying bills and got some meats for the household totally while I was out of the household. Pluss I cleaned for alot of the time that I was home also here since today is the garbage pick up for the week. I still have alot to do here that does not involve some things at all and still have to get to the rest of the laundry here for today so I will not have to worry about not having around the place nor getting screamed at by others since I did not get to that part of the housework here. So as I sit here and plot for the day and the cheapest way I can get things done for the household I guess this is what gets to some people that know me real well still and maybe I have lit the fire under them at this point in time also. When I told my father this week I was saving up for solar panels for the household here he thought I was nuts for the want of that part. All I can say is so be it in what he thinks at this point in time here. At least I am thinking of if and when the power should go out and at least the fridge and freezer will keep going also here for the house. Ok so I learned my lesson when I was at the trailer and the power would go out all of the time. Anyway at this time I am thinking on alot of things still here for the household and how to get things that much cheaper here also during the month. May as well do that part of things totally. At this point I will be using the back stock here for the household and I do not mind it at all since some things need to be used anyway here. It will only drive down the costs of the place here and now. So I will take a long hard look at some things that need to be done here for the household and go from there. Between the coupons and sales for other things here I should be ok for other parts of the place also. Now at this point in time I did get a good look around here and will start here in the main room of the household this morning and slowly get things done here for the household.