Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Shaking my head
Well as I sit here at this point in time I have noticed alot of things. I had went down to Punxsy this past weekend here and I got to think alot within 24 hours totally. One of the things that I noticed here was that I can get the place that much cheaper without hardly any problems at all. That is one nice thing about going to PA with the slower pace of life also. With that said here I have finally figured out why I have thrown some people out around the trailer and did not want anyone to move in on me here also into the house. Since alot of the bills have came down when myself and my Husband moved into the place that we are now I know that it is not that bad now. Also alot more things have been sticking around while I have been at it all. In what I have noticed here is that since I do try to streach out things when I was in the trailer and kept that part here for the household also the dish soap is sticking around for longer time periods along with other things also here without being over used at all. When I would say something to my Niece at the trailer about the over use of things I would get the answer of oh well this is what I want and you can not stop me at all. Now it also explains why she did not want to go down to Punxsy this past weekend besides other things in the mix that I already knew about since her boyfriend tried to push his weight with me also 20 months ago. So now here at least I can say that things have got alot cheaper here without a problem at all and will get alot cheaper since I have been thinking about it more. Also it has helped in that I have switched alot of the products over that are lower in cost for the household in the past almost 7 months here. With alot of it so far here is that I do turn more things off for longer periods of time since I have been home for the past almost 2 days and I was working on that part anyway for the place. So it will make me wander in why I have not done this way before now with getting the trailer switched over totally before we moved and after we moved. Now at this point in time I have figured that it is ok to put the leftovers in the freezer for a later date to dethaw and eat in the household here since we got the place. What would have hurt some if they were still under my roof when we first moved into the house is and was that the gas stove was not hooked up for the first month almost here and the cable was not here also for the first 2 weeks also. I used the crock pots, microwave, and the convection oven that I have to cook with untill the gas oven was hooked up totally. Also while I was at it all I dropped the house phone also the first month that we were here. So some would have freaked out on me for the 3 things here that went on. My Husband and I joked around here that at least we had power, phone and a fridge this go around compaired to when we moved into the trailer. At least I can laugh at this time for alot of things that have went on over the years in what we did to keep the trailer and the house going without a problem at all.