Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this point in time I really do not want another 4 years of Obama period here. The loss of jobs is one the other is that I am being forced into something that I do not believe in with the health care at this time. Where else do I need to cut back here on just to get the Damn Package for health care and is it food at this point in time or just shut off the power or do both here so I can afford the plan for health insurance. Another thing is that since the US has tanked in many ways here I am lucky that I got the house when we did 20 months ago here. When I found out that the lot rent is more than both loans put togeather here I knew we got out of the trailer park in time. Also with all the food that is supposadly bad for everyone according to Mouchie, Obama's wife here, just stick a fork in the schools hot lunch and would they eat in what is made totally at this point? The food was pretty bad when I was in school 20 years ago here and I would hate to see what it looks like now. That leads up to the welfare program totally here also. I know several people still on the system at this point in time and about 3/4's of them get just total junk food or the better stakes and sea food. They eat better than some of us that are not on the food stamps at all. I have been seeing alot of folks not returning back to work since welfare is right there waiting on them to get in on the free money. All I can do is laugh at this point and wait untill they all have to go back in and recertify for that part of things. It is a pain in the toush to say the least. I was only on food stamps at one time here and it was an all day affair to get them for the trailer at the time. If some people only knew about that at this time they would rather get the low paying job and streach out that income to the max. But then again that is what the president and his wife want at this time here totally along with other things also. Granted the very dry weather has not helped some of us out at all here that are working just to keep afloat and to hold on in what we have also here. Ok so Rush picked up where Baurle left off in the morning here. The station is and everything kicks off at 9 am NY time here totally. And I am soory if I butchered your last name Tom. Now I know why I have been going alot cheaper by listening to the radio here along with other things that have been going on also in the world. I have came up swinging here totally and I am looking for ways to get that much cheaper to prove a point here to some folks that it is not ok to over spend in what comes into the household. Credit cards what is that in my place except the ATM card that is hooked up to my account at the bank here. That is the only card I want so if I do not have cash that day I know I have something in the account here that has been budgeted out to the max here anyway. This is what some will never understand at all that are in office at this point since they get a per dem along with their pay. That is why they get over 100 grand a year. The per dem is non taxable still to this day and is free money. And you wander why the gas is so expensive ask Obama to put in the pipe line where it is needed here and you will see some of the prices come down at the supermarkets. Diesle is still over 4 dollars a gallon here and the price has to be passed onto someone totally.