Saturday, August 11, 2012
Well at this point in time here I am back to my walks here totally. It gives me another reason of why to budget that much harder here for the household along with the back stock in the household. So now here with that part of things that I am working on it gives me a chance to start out again for the groceries for the place. Since there are dollar stores around along with places like Aldi and Save A Lot here I should be ok when I go to pick up groceries for both kitchens. Since my Husband asked yesterday in how I will end up doing alot of things now after all of this, I told him easy at this point since I have been thinking on alot of it anyway. With that being said here I have been wanting to turn off alot more things here in the household for a good while and this week I get my wish on that part of it. Now knowing that there has been alot of hot and dry days all over the place it has finally cooled off enough to where I can turn off the window units here and open the windows totally. I guess it goes along with in why I hang the laundry up to dry here for the household also. When I seen the 170 dollar power bill this month I freaked out about it here. So now I will get something done about that very shortly here for the household. Since I am revamping the budget anyway here for the household I have started in about 3 places here and knowing that it is not to much on me for that part of things it is ok here at this point. Pluss the walks are to clear my mind anyway from the jumbled mess that I have in the memo department and I get that out of my system. Sometimes it was easier in the trailer since it was an excape out of there to go for a long walk. Then I look back over the past 20 months here and ask myself how could I have put up with some of the people there totally. I was getting cheaper there at that point in time untill I let some move in with us also and noticed that the bills were going up instead of the on the way down. Maybe that is why I said not to the person who asked me to let him and my one Niece come here to the house also. And that is a whole nother blog period here on that part.