Sunday, August 12, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this point in time it still amazes me in how many nickels that I can still pick up here in the mornings on my walks here. Alot of it is the kids who just could care less on what they all do around the area at this time still. Their loss is my gain here once I think about it all. At this point in time while I was out on my walk this morning I started plotting on what needed to be done here in the household also while I was at it. Pluss it also gave me a chance to figure out in what to do first here to start cleaning again. Most of the time I do take the weekends off for the most part on the housework and I pay for it by Monday in the afternoon here normally. Since alot of the streaching of things out here is almost second hand to me now after about 8 years it does help with not spending so much money at the stores. When I can get stocked up for under 50 dollars a month it is a good month here for my place. That is how I started to look at things here after the first 2 years totally. So now with alot of it I still think on how to streach things further from the trailer to the house and that part will never stop at all out of me. Alot of times I have noticed that some people do not like it when some of us do try to streach out things like the dish and laundry soaps for our places compaired to their place. All I can say to the people who cut others down for it here is that at least we do not have to go out 4 times a month to shop at all. Some people would be screwed if they had to plan meals for the month for the household totally along with other things that have to be done. Alot of the time I am robotic about things for myown household totally. It also helps out when there is a plan in place for the household to get things done while I am at it all. Now with myself walking again I will pick up the nickels along the way to help pay for food and other things for the household. This is what some have not got about me over the years here is that I will pick up the nickels nomatter what is going on for the household and it has helped out alot over the years here. So now here since alot of the back stock will be used here while I am thinking of it and how to do alot of this for the household yet again.