Monday, August 6, 2012
Well my Husband will see the house in full swing in what I do all day here while he is gone. He will be home for part of the day here and pretty much knows that I will turn off things here. With that being said I have the window units already off around here and the windows open here in the household. All I can say is that alot of changes are on the way here in the household and some people have already noticed in what I have been trying to do here so far. With some of the changes there has been alot more coupons floating around here along with sale items for the household here. This is why I use the cards for the store at this point also since if you do not use it the item will not be on sale at all. I am thinking that it was about 3 months ago I was standing in one of the Rite Aids here that we have in the area and the gal looked at the cashier and said I do not want the card and can care less if the item is on sale. All I could think of was sure go and waste money here and now and you will learn about it. When I saved over 42 dollars with the card and coupons here pluss to get 13 dollars back in coupons it is well worth the effort on that part of things. When I say get the card do it to help start with that part of the household totally. Besides the use of coupons I got the cards for the store also. It has helped out on alot of things like the $1.99 for the laundry soap for the place. There are times where I use the bleach alt. for the laundry also. Sometimes you can not loose on deals like that for the household here. I still think of the one Manager that checked me out in Febuary here right after I got dumped also and the look on his face was priceless when my bill was cut in half here at that Rite Aid store with the card and no coupons that day. So now at this point in time some people have figured that I am stocked up on alot of things here in my place and they have hardly seen me carry in groceries or much of anything for that matter they are in shock totally. Also here with the trip that I am about to take a week from Friday here I will take in all of the nickels that I have to help out here for that trip.