Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Looking around
Well I got to looking around yesterday here and I know that I can streach out what is left of the towels untill next week here totally before I have to throw them in the washer. The nice thing here is that I have enough of a back up system to do some damage nomatter in what I do at this time. This is why I want to use some of the back stock that I have here in the household at this time also. I know some people do not like in what I do here at all and that is fine by me here now. So as I sit here and think about Friday still and wander if some will show up to go with me this time to see family. All I can do is wander about that part here and go from there at this time. Anyway yesterday was a fairly good day all and all. I did get out of the house here for about 2 hours and I got to think on alot of things that I can do better here for the household totally. Now I know why I really wanted to go that much cheaper for the trailer at the time and it spilled over to the household. With that being said here now there has been alot on my mind on what has happened over the years and I wanted to prove a point to some people here in the area and to other family members also. Since I have made it here in the past 19 years on my own and have cut and slashed things totally to get the house along with other things it has been one heck of a ride. From the first time in meeting the out laws, doing alot of the grunt work myself, and being called a "Rich Bitch" from some people also over the years by pinching pennies to save for what I got at the trailer to get to where I am today. I guess that is why it took myself and my Husband almost 3 years to go thru all the shampoo, conditioner, and bar soap that my one Sister in Law bought in the last 2 years that she was up and going. Since I pinched, scraped and worked over the years for the better cookwear for the kitchen and other places in the trailer at the time here, I guess that made me a bad person all togeather here at the time. That is all I can figure at this time in what happened and what the out laws thought at the time. To where others said that I was doing things totally right at the time and not to worry about squat at all. Also I never really let it get to me in the first place with some since I was at the trailer constantly and they were not hardly there. Pluss there were times where I wanted to just freak out over things since I knew it was not going right at all and it turned out anyway. I guess this is why I still pick up all of the nickels while I am out and that part has helped out totally for food and paying the bills over the years also. Some of the things that have went on over the years I can laugh about now since the fight was on when I got back to the trailer. So it has not all been bad over the years at all and some of us have made it. Since my one Mother taught me well in what to do and how to do when I was younger it has helped me out in the long run to get the back stock when it is good to go with money coming into the place that I was at. Now here with the election year and several other things going on also I am thankfull for the back stock so I do not have to spend money when I do not have to at all at this time. With the back stock that is here 95% of it has been on huge sales totally and that is when I bought that part of things. I still like the one managers face and him saying oh wow when I cut the bill in half with just the card at the time. Pluss I did not get cut down for what I got along with stocking up on some things for the household also while I was at it all. Now here after 6 months of not eating total dog crud from some it has got alot better on me here in what I can do.