Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Well I already have one walk in today here. I will take another one here today sometime totally. So it is part of myself being cheap here for the household and I get to clear my mind still and think on things for the day here to go along with things. This is what some have not got about me at all as of yet still in what I do here during the mornings. When one of my neighbors found out last week in why I leave early in the morning here I am driving to a spot to take my walk and come back for the day here. The funny part is I still get my mile walk in here that early in the morning pluss get left alone also while I am at it by going to 2 parking lots here that are close to home. Oh well at least I get some activity here for the day besides housework all of the time at this point. Pluss I make some money while I am out getting my walk in. Maybe that is what got to some over at the trailer while I was there. Also now that I am charged to get more of the housework done here this morning and on the cheap side of things, it does not seem so bad when I get home again. Since one of the neighbors thinks that I am nuts for hanging out the laundry still after almost 21 months here it seems like he would get the hint at one point in time in what I am doing for my place here. Besides the walks and the little things that I get done here totally it does pay off for what I do here. I may as well streach out things since I have nothing better to do here all day alone. Since I feel better when I get out for my walks here it puts things into light that I get to think about that has happened or about to happen. Maybe that is why I do not mind doing what I am doing here for the household at this time also while I am at it now. With alot of places being so close here to the house it is better for me to walk anyway instead of taking the truck all of the time. Since the last accident I just do not like to drive anymore at this point. I will say that it does save me on gas by walking so much and at almost 4 dollars a gallon again for gas may as well be a tight wad on that part also here.