Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Cutting more
Well I have thought alot about cutting more here in the household in the past couple of days here and I will get that part of things done totally. With alot of thought here along with dragging out the laptop again I will make it work during the week without a problem at all. So at this point in time I have put alot of things into use here that I have used at the trailer to cut the costs and it will work out for the best here in the house. Alot of what I have dropped from the trailer was because of being cut down so much here in the place that I gave up on most of the things that I was doing. Now here for the place since I do not have to worry about that part here anymore I will be doing alot more from now on here. Alot of it here is to get some things used up and out of here totally and I will be able to get the old ways back. Things like using rags on the swifter here again to help clean part of the floors. Also there is bleach to clean with here in the place while I am at it all. That is only part of what I plan to do for the place that is on the cheap side of things here. I have came to realize that alot of things that I gave up doing in almost 2 years has cost me enough to make my head spin on the costs that went up. When I got dropped here I also realized that some people just do not care and would rather spend the money anyway and some did not even clean their own place up at all since she spent more time here in my place. So now here since I do not have to get the high priced things for the place anymore and I can streach out what I have here in the back stock also it works out for the best in alot of ways. Also since the lights are not going constanly here in the house anymore along with the dryer the power bill dropped like a rock for the place. That is another reason of why I do not mind being alone also here in the place. With some people they would rather use the dryer and run up the gas or power bills for the household. When the one neighbor said that his power bill was over 200 dollars for the month I about fell over. I also set a goal up to get the power bill about 50 dollars at that point in time or lower for my place. So I checked with acouple of neighbors here and asked for a ball park on theirs and they told me give and take about 35 dollars a month and during the summer it is more of course. So I set out a goal for the power bill almost a year ago and I have got it about there at this point. The summer months almost killed me with the window units here for the house and that is ok still. Another thing that I have came to realize is that I did not waste alot of money anyway in the past 2 years here and I got asked about that part of things also. As I told some that the money was not wasted at all in what was handed to me at the time and I could sit in it, watch it, touch it to get into the house along with open it, paid someone back in what we owed, and drive it here. The poor woman started laughing and said that I made several good choices on what I got for the place and myself. Oh and I got the laptop last year also while I was at it all and took the trip down to Illinois. So I did the right thing here totally in what happened on that part. Maybe that is the reason some did not like in what I did at all and I went the cheap route on alot of it for the place at the time. I did not ask for the government to help me out at all this time for parts of the house along with other things like the one gal did that I know.