Thursday, November 15, 2012
Well I finally got up to the grocery store yesterday for food. At this point in time I still wander if some people are eating since they have raked me over the coals for the one cell phone company. All I can say about that part is thank goodness for rice and pastas here for the household so I could and can eat something here during the 4 months of that crud. So now here I did get some things here for the household for quick and easy meals along with the rest of a big dinner that will be cooked next week here also. Since alot of what I got can and will be used here as double duty for the place it works out for the best. I have at least one bird who loves celry here and he of course will get some also. At this time I will not get hollered at for going up to the store at all here since we were running low on parts of the food stock anyway here. Pluss at this point in time I just realized that I was in Illinois this time last year of course and going to the truck stop here to work. So now I will say never again with the the one side of the family after all said and done here. Ok so I went grocery shopping while I was there and some figured that I did not do that part at all for to make a haul back up here to NY State. That was part of the problem along with my one aunt that loves to waste money totally and figure that it is ok to take things away from others without asking at all. Now here since some people just do not care or do not get that you do not do that to someone like me here I do not need that person or persons at all here around myself and the people here on the block. It also gives me the chance here to get that much cheaper for the house here since I am away from the drama. This is how I ended up with thinking on alot of ways to cut the costs even further. This is another reason why I am dropping the cable and going with the dish system here for the place. I had to think and figure what was the best way for the money here. So now here this is what the one aunt and her children does not get about me still to this day. Since I do think of the best ways of doing things here for the household totally along with being cheaper about it all also it helps. I guess this is why when I can find dish soap for 79 cents a bottle here I will pick up several bottles here for the place. It is the little things like that here that I think about here. Just like the T.P. that I picked up yesterday for the household. I about fell over when I seen the prices at Kmart along with other places also at this time. Ok so I was running low on that part of things here in the household and I do not want the Sears book here to wipe with since it hurts. So I got that part on sale as normal here for the place and it was cheaper than the store brand. I guess with some people that is why they switched over to rags to wipe with and keep a bucket in the bathroom to hold the dirty ones. I am sorry I will not go that route at all here for my place. I may be cheap here and there is a line that I will not cross at all with some things here.