Sunday, November 11, 2012
Shaking my head
Well I am wandering if it will be a cheap day here totally. And yes I am plotting out in what to do first here for the day. That is the bad part of it all and I have to deal with it now. Since I have piles of laundry to get threw at this time also it does not seem like they should be there at all. Now that I have got the washer started I have at least 4 loads of towles to get done and hung outside here for the day along with other laundry. So I guess I will be busy for the day here nomatter in what I do. Since I will be taking my Husband to the truck fairly early for the day I will start cleaning today here instead of tomarrow. That is one of the nice things here when he leaves out on Sundays the bad part is that the week starts earlier also on me. Even my Husband made the remark here that he thought that I would go thru the one stack of wood by now when I didn't at all. Since we have 3 stacks in the driveway here I take off the one pile for the fireplace and use the other stack to help keep the bigger logs going while I have that part going for extra heat. With alot of the things that I end up doing here to cut the costs for the household some people do not like it at all. What I think it is here is that I am always finding ways to do things for my place on the cheap and have not told them in what I was doing or did not ask for their oponion on it all. With that part said here at least I have been and still trying things out around the place. Some things will not change at all like hanging up the laundry to dry along with turning things off during the week while I am alone in the place also. That along with cooking on the cheap also for the trailer or the house here has helped out alot while I have been at it all. That is what has got to some people along with asking for some help when I really needed it and they stood there and watched me pick up something that I was not suppose to do at that point in time. So now at this point I can go ahead and lift here along with other things going down and I do not have to worry about it anymore. When I started cooking alot of things from scratch along with buying the cheaper end of things for either place that myself and my Husband were at some people did not like that part of what I was getting done at all. Now one of the neighbors that gave me greif over the past couple of summers is now realizing here in why I have been hanging the laundry outside here at my place as of last week. When their dryer went out this past week here all I could do was shake my head and figure that they were gonna get an energy audit. So with that part the new dryer on their part will help with their power bill totally at their place. They kind of freaked out when the power bill over here was a quarter in what they had for the past 2 years almost compaired to theirs. So it all makes me wander in what some are doing still and I will try to keep my bills down here totally. Anyway since I have started on part of the cleaning already and will wait for the other part I may as well go for my walk here.