Saturday, November 3, 2012
Looking around
Well I guess that myself and my Husband are lucky here in the house at this point in time. It does make my Husband wander in what I do all day here when he is not here and he gets a taste of things here when he comes home during the week. With that being said here there are alot of things that I end up doing for the household to get it all cheaper. Between shopping and housework here I have learned alot here with the trailer and the house here totally. With the trailer the power bill was high and the household I ended up with under 45 dollars this month, a huge change here with that part. At the trailer I would try to get it under a grand for everything and it never worked at all. Just like for the house at this time it will never work at this point in time also here. I will get it done somehow here even if it all kills me to do so. With alot of the prices going up all over the place it gets hard to get on a very hard budget. When I told some in what I have done over the years they do not believe me at all. Since I am switching over to the once a month shopping again for the household like I did in the trailer, I have got asked why not shop once a day here. As I say the once a day shopping is a waste of money totally for the household. I looked at the gal who asked me that I started laughing since there is enough rice and pasta to choke someone here in my place totally. There are other things here also for food. With that being said since I ended up at Wegmans on Sunday for the place and ended up with the boxed mac and cheese for the household for 39 cents per box it was well worth it. And yes I can expand the 1 box here to have at least 2 meals out of that part of things. This is why I say that you can get meals for under 5 dollars still to this day here even if the prices are going up all over the place. This is what some people do not realize here that they can do for the household still to this day. When I started thinking on some meal plans that I was looking at I was like wait a minute here there can be some tweeking to that part of things depending on where ya live. I guess this is why I try to get over to places like Aldi and Save A Lot for the house here. Then there are several other places that I hit up also for food and other things that are needed. I just do not like paying full price for things here in the household at all. As I told the one gal last week here she would be better off going to the store with me here so I can show her in what to do to keep the costs low for that end of the household at this point. Since the gal is up on the internet totally it is not hard to look up recipies at all at this point in time and to get it done on the cheap. I have so many ways to cook a chicken here that it is not even funny anymore and told the gal that. It goes along with cheap cuts of meat and the junk that is on sale also at all of the stores. My Husband started laughing lastnight here when I looked at him off of the one web site and they were saying there is only 20 ways to cook a bird. I looked at him and said ok there goes the 201 ways that I have and then some at this point in time. And yes I learned well at the trailer when all the kids would hit my place to see what I was cooking for the day. That also went along with some people in the park not feeding their kids hardly for a meal. My question still is what is a small can of what is suppose to be ravioli for 4 kids to eat off of. Even the CPS worker that hit the trailer asked me what the heck is that and is the gal nuts for that. I looked at her and said this happends all of the time here for the kids and it seems like the gardian hits my place once a month for a reason after she knew that I was making sauce and chilli at the time. I will admit that I opened that can of worms for the gal totally for not feeding the kids. It also went along with that I was bringing in hardly any money also to the trailer at the time or alot less than what the kids gardians were doing.