Saturday, November 10, 2012
Not getting it
Well at this point in time I had to switch some things to another company for the cell phones here. The one company did not get it at all here that ya can double charge someone then put something in place without the aurtherization from the person also with the account. Now at this point here I am on the 3rd company for the phones in a year. Not only that I do not like to be screwed at all. With AT&T they told me the bill would be 230 a month and that never happened at all. At this point I was told by 4 different people when I called up to Verison here that it would be 230 and no add ons without someone going in and making changes since of AT&T then and I am fine with that part. Anyway things are getting cheaper nomatter what is going on here weather some people like it or not here out of me. So at this point in time here at least I can say that I am also trying to get more done also on that part. Alot of things are a far cry from what others may say totally now days. What is going on at this time is that alot of us are getting broker and no end in site at all on alot of things. I guess this is why I do not mind getting the cheaper things for the household and turning alot of the power off during the day here now. Since I have started alot of not using the dryer, turning things off when they are not in use, and shopping for cheaper groceries for the trailer along with the house also it seemed wierd at first and we got use to it after awhile. That is what hurt everyone that came over to either place after awhile also when they all found out in what I was doing. Another thing that I have noticed with hanging the laundry either here in the house or outside is that some of the neighbors had a problem with it untill they realized that I hid some things out on the lines period nomatter what. Or they just did not get out at all and I kept them inside. So after all said and done here for the place it would be shocking to some and to others they do not mind what so ever at all in what I do here. Even the middle child one one side of me is finally realizing in why I went to the places like Save A Lot along with other places to save money for the household. Now also since I will have the fire place going when it is colder outside and yes it is that time of year again to where days it will be going nomatter what here. It is one of the money savers that I can do for the place to not have the gas going all of the time here also. So there are ways to save money without even blinking an eye at it all. I guess what gets to me the most here is that since things have calmed down over the past 10 months somewhat here for the place it seems like some of the bills went down without even trying. With that being said the dryer is not going constantly on one weekend a month here along with light are not going all weekend also in the place also now. What has got to me the most also for the place is that nobody is cutting me down for things like the Ajax dish soap and what I make for dinner. So it makes me wander in what some think at this time since I had switched alot of things over here for the house totally after I gave it much thought also after the surgery. So now I have a feeling that I will be getting to alot of the laundry today while I am at it and think of other ways to start cutting down the bills here in the household.