Well at least I know now in what is going on. With alot of things going down here and I am really not happy with some companies nor some people at this time here it never really shocks me in what goes on here at all. As I told some again yesterday here come get your stuff then since I can deal without the T.V. and net. Like it is gonna hurt me any here going without that part of things. That is when I start walking down the street to get the internet and go from there to work. So now at this point some people just do not get some things at all and I can laugh also about things. Also at this time since I can get another company for the T.V. and the net here for the place for alot cheaper now it amazes me in how I let that part slip threw my fingers totally. Pluss on top of it all yesterday here I got nailed on some things that I did not even know about at all. I told the person that since I do not get the paper at all still here how was I suppose to know anything that was going down. So now all I can say for the person who started the lies back up go for it since I have not talked to the person in about 3 years here anyway. Now at this point I will be doing what I need to and ignoring some people as I normally do along with doing what I have to do for myself. With that being said I have to worry about the household here more than anything and work to get that part cheaper than dog snot. I may as well here since I have a good head start with that part of things already here. All I can do is keep up with myself and that is it. I started alot of this in the trailer and will keep it all going here and then some now for the household. This is what has got to alot of people at this time and oh well on the people who do not like in what I do now. Since I hang laundry up to dry, try to cook from the cheap side, and turn off alot of things for the household still it is a good thing for the place that I am in now. There is just alot of things that get done that I am not saying about also here in the household at this time. So now at this time here I better get started on some things here and see where I land up for the rest of the day.
Some Cozy Winter Inspiration from Dainty Diaries
1 month ago