Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Shaking my head
Well the poor gal at Time Warner cable understands in why I am mad at this point in time. I told her listen here is the deal and guess what this is what will happen and I do not care what so ever at this point and I will drop off the equipment here totally I do not care what to ever at this point at all. Since all I have to do is call the one company here and say hey I have an appointment for Friday can ya do this tomarrow for me PLEASE here or just deal without a T.V. untill Friday like it will bother me here totally anyway at this time for the place. When it took the cable company 2 weeks for them to hook up the wire again here for when someone yanked it out of my place over the summer I do not play at all anymore. The gal told me I was a day early and I said yes I am and thought that the account was lower than what I thought it was by paying off the loan for the joint she did not blame me what so ever for paying that part first here. Since I can live without heat and power here in the household I will make my point lound and clear nomatter what is going down. What ever you folks do here do not trust Time Warner Cable at all and go with the satillite system that is offered period in your area. I just do not like to see anyone robbed at all. Even my Father was taken aback when I told him that I got a cheaper rate with the dish period here for the place by 50 dollars a month. Now at this point in time I am just done and can get things at a cheaper rate as of now here for the house. This is what happens when some places totally burn down and we are not living there at all anymore also. So now with that said here I can go to the grocery store and buy meats for the place here and like it. That is without picking up a dang nickle off the side of the road here also. So now I know in how to deal with some people here and I am always right on alot of things totally without even thinking twice about what is going down here. Thanks to some that took office back here for another 4 years I would say that alot of people are gonna do without eating while some are eating Flapping stakes also for that time.