Wednesday, November 7, 2012
I want off of the ride
Well I want off of the ride that we are on right about now here. With the Obama's it was not good the first 4 years and now we are just plain out screwed totally. I guess things will have to be thought over yet again in my place so I do not have to rearange the furniture out on the street. And here I guess the vote does not matter at all since it is the elctorial votes are the ones that do count in the states at this time still. So with alot of things here I guess that I will leave everything off for longer periods of time here and use the fire place alot more for the place this year here. I guess that goes along with using alot more bleach for cleaning here also while I am at it all for the household. Ok so there is alot of things that I can get cheaper at and go from there. Also since I still have alot of work for getting alot cheaper here for the place without a question at this time. I am starting that part totally as of today here. Once I think of it all here at least I can say that in the parts that I have done already is a huge help at this time. Now to get all of the bills set for the next 4 years of total Hell. Maybe myself and my Husband can get this done here for the place and make it work like a charm also. At this point in time the changes start here today for the house and I will be pulling some things out that I use to do at the trailer. May as well break alot of the things out again since I have fell behind in alot of things here over the past almost 2 years here. So now here since I am thinking about things here for the household it will work out totally yet again. Also I will be hitting the free sample bords yet again for the place to help out on that part of things to save money. It will drive the mail guys nuts when they start bringing the mail here for the place and oh well on that part of things after this election. At least I will be able to use the samples also for everything again like I use to. I was watching somewhat lastnight here the extream cheap shows here after I got home and some had good ideas for things that I had forgot about totally here that I have done. The funny thing about it here is that I had enough ketchup packets at one time at the trailer to fill the one bottle 3 times at one point. I still laugh about that to this day here. Now at this point in time there are I just have to figure out in how to get things alot cheaper to run the house again and pull out the old tricks that I had done. It also means that I will be having more rags for the place to clean floors with here along with other things also.