Saturday, November 24, 2012
Just got back
Well who ever said that I could not make money at all here by taking walks lied to me totally. I ended up with $1.50 today here already here and will get back out to get more of the nickles out in the parking lots and on the side of the street. With that part being said here there is money out there to make it on here totally. You just have to look for ways to get it here. So now at this point I know where to hit up and where not to hit. I hit up only 2 parking lots here and did well this morning. Now I know in what the one guy had said to me and he was right on alot of things at that point in time. So I will get out for my walks here from now on and see what I can do totally for the day. Also now since I am getting that much cheaper here for the household it has become a good thing here so far. Since the fire place will be going alot more here along with the power being off more often also it will give me a chance to catch up on other bills here for the household. I pretty much knew that everyone was in trouble when the yahoo was re elected here for office. Since I do listen to talk radio here there had been so much fraud that it was not even funny. Things like the voting booths that pick the yahoo instead of what the person put down along with the money coming in overseas for the race. Also now things are looking like some of us working class are going to get alot broker here in the next 4 years. So I will be doing all that I can to keep the house here nomatter what. Since I went to the cheap end to get alot of things here some still have not got in the whys of what I have been doing here at all. I have proved that when the both of us were at the trailer. With everything that has went on over the 18 years that I have been up here I got alot cheaper on alot of things here. Since I can get the power bill, gas bill, cable/sattalite, phone, and water down here for the place some have noticed that part of things that I have done. That along with the food and cleaning bills for the place also here is what everyone just blasted me for when we first moved into the house here at the time. Now everyone is use to me shopping at some places and keeping things off totally for the household. That is the nice thing of what I do here along with walking also for the place. I hope that some come to realize that some of us have to do what we have to around here to make ends meet along with getting that much cheaper for things also here in every household. I guess this is why I have not stopped shopping at the dollar stores and the non name brand stores also for where myself and my Husband are at now. Also the free wood has totally helped also here for the place. When it is bitter cold out with the winds that have kicked up it gets pretty bad outside. So that is why I do not mind the fire place at all at this point in time for the extra heat here. This is what happends when we are taxed way to much here in where we are along with not knowing what will happen next also.