Sunday, November 18, 2012
On overload
Well I am on work overload at this time here. With everything here in the house along with getting called to help with friends out of the house it was plain out nuts here yesterday. So as I sit here now and think of what happened to the trays of food last night it was just plain out wrong in what they did. It was almost full of peppers and 1 pair of tongs per platter. I guess from working in the food industry here for so long some of us have picked up alot more than what others barganed for here also. So after long hours yesterday and then coming home to cook here since I did not want to go to the hospital at all it was nuts here to say the least. That also brings me to the kitchen here for my place. Ok so I was going to start in on that part when the call came in to clean parts of it yesterday here. Also the bird gets plucked out of the freezer today so I am sure that it is dethawed by Thursday here while I am at it all. Some things never stop here at all. The news was saying that everything has went sky high on the prices all over and I do not see that part since the bird was paid for in April here along with other things here in the household. Ok so I do plan ahead here to some degree. When I got asked yesterday here if I was organized for my place I started laughing. I told the person that I have hot spots in the house totally and I can lay my hands on things quicker than snot most times. Alot of the times I am organized here for the household and sometimes I need to be motivated to get things done here also. Even to the best person that I know they still have the same faults on that part of things. So now at this point I got a good look at the kitchen and it is a mess waiting to explode on me still. That part will get done first around here this morning and I have no choice in the matter. I guess that I will plot in things for a good while yet for the household nomatter what goes on here. Also it will be done on the cheap side while I am at it all.