Sunday, November 8, 2009
I have learned something new
Now for one chat room I have helped him along for 2 years now if not longer. The millionares lodges/lounges. I have got not even a thank you but of spite cut down thru the 2 years. I have been thru many of problems includeing other folks in the past 2 years or so. Broken bones family problems and such. The owner of this room figures if you are broke then you are not worth a dang in real life. The supposad man found this out the hard way with me. Along with a few of his rats out of the room. I am makeing it in the world with less money he brings in a month via acting, being a doctor, and real estate. I sit pretty when the market is up and when it goes down I am not worth a penny at times. I have always lived by what I thought was best of life eather way. When times are good they are good. This is why I am carefull of money so during the lean times I can still pay the bills and eat in life. I will say some of the people who have money never seen the broke side of life and what we all do. When cable is a luxury that we need now a days to watch T.V. in our homes. I make room in my budget for cable becuase of the package that i couldent pass up becuase with the net and phone included. Not saying that I watch T.V. all day at all now. Alot of times things are turned off in my place that people woulden't expect at all. Like the modem for the phone and internet both T.V.'s and alot of other things. Some people will chastize me for it and that is ok by my standards. If I wanted to keep up with the rich I would have. This is why I clip coupons, shop for the best rates out there and a few other things. Like I have stoped going out to eat for one. I would rather have a home cooked meal than go out and blow 20 dollars for dinner some place if not more. I have shook my head at alot of people lately on who spend to much for everything in thier place. Some ask me how I do it on very little money in my place/can. Others wander in how I do things also. So I sent them tidbits of what to do in thier place and that is all I can do. I cook alot from scratch in my place now days. That is one way to save money. Another is turn off things also while you are at it. Get the Children involved also. Ask thier opinion on how much you bring in thru the month. They want the responabillity in thier own way also. When you are paying bills say come on I need help and what are your thoughts on it also. Alot of parents have forgot about this part of life. I had an e-mail sent to me this past week and now I am realizeing that the kids have it way to good now days. Some children need to know what is going on and given the option on things. There were 7 of us kids 2 differant moms and dads in the same bunch. God love my momma let me tell ya now. My Momma would tell me all the time I am not gonna be around forever so ya may wanna learn this now. So that was my cue to shut up and learn on things. My Mother who raised me was from the depression era. So you learned quick and asked questions if you diden't understand. Most parents and grand parents Pluss if you are lucky Great Grand parents would answer your questions. Relateing to the you need to learn this. So now I know what to do and if not I still ask. And ask for several opinions not just one in life. I have to laugh sometimes Becuase my momma knows when I need just plain advice on things. Ok folks with this thought have fun and play even harder.