Monday, November 23, 2009
On the run today
I hit the kitchen hard and heavy this morning befor I even left for the bank and grocery store. More work needs to be done around the can but it is cleaning up fairly well for the most part. I had 30.95 in cans and another 21 and some change with coupons and the card for today. Not includeing another 6.10 in cans for the kitchen wood burner stove that folks gave me also today while I was cashing in the cans. So A HUGE thanks to the folks who left me thier cans today. All I could do was accept them and go from there. And I diden't even empty out the van totally for the returns that I have picked up also from the dumpster and off the side of the road. I want a bit more before I cash the babies in for the nickles again. So you have it I will haul them around untill I get about 10 dollars worth again for it. It is nice to see bills in the jar for the wood burner stove. Heat source and cooking if the power really goes out when I get a new/used house. So yes the coupons and the bottle returns do help out alot. Pluss the poor guy next to me had about 70 dollars worth of cans and bottles that he turned in. Almost the end of the month for the ss check and pentions. I look at it like this the kids don't care up here a nickle to them is nothing just like the Girl that is suppose to be my niece. I picked up 10 dollars in change up off the floor of her room where she was at in Punxey Pa. All that tells me is that she was more spoiled than I really thought she was. So Yes the money was put to good use eather way. Crazey 8 sale ofver at the store while I was there. A whole shopping buggy full for 33 dollars that day. And all I stoped in for was soda and coffee. Oppssssssies on my part. It was good eating for a week after and then some. Now for up here in NY I have to plan and budget hard for what I got and then some. And a weeks worth of meals off of 30 dollars up here now for the hollidays. All I can do is keep the cards that I do have and go from there becuase I may just go back down to my aunts house for a couple of days yet again this year. She has a BiLo store down the street from her place. I have to laugh sometimes only becuase I still have my BiLo card from Pa. And it saves money eather way I go. I can only emagin the Hippies shock when I told him over 50 dollars today and another 6.10 in other cans that were handed to me also while I was feeding the tamora machine. And that we are a great uncle and aunt of a bouceing 8lb 10oz baby girl at 23 inches. I am a happy camper. Leave it up to auntie to spoil the girl as much as I can. My nefews are a trip and I love every min of it let me tell ya. So that bit of good news from lastnight when I talked with our niece. And the poor girl was happier only becuase her and her old mans annerversery was yesterday also. She is use to all boys/men in her family so leave it up to great anuntie for the perks for the baby girl. And to do things cheap for the baby also. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.