Saturday, November 28, 2009
Now I may be wrong
Well after not calling the electrition and his wife back on thursday I don't wander why now. All I can do is shake my head and go on from now on. Here I thought I got to the gal and apparently I diden't. Here I am liveing below the means of the good ole paycheck here and streaching out every dollar that came into the can. So I could and can afford a better place than where I am at now. Now I have had the gas going since I have been here for about 15 yrs now never had it shut off at anytime nor the power at my place. The problem is between the both of the people they went hunting instead of going to work to catch up on any of the bills. Last I knew that they both had gas bills over 2 grand and they couldent get the gas turned on again untill both bills were paid. Of course here in NY it has been somewhat cold outside. About 32 outside. Sorry I have animals and my own health reasons of why I need the heat in the can. Pluss I refuse to get a wood burner here also for the can it takes 7min for a can to totally burn down. On top of it I do not have enough money saved up for the wood burner yet. Yes I have done alot of shopping in the past couple 3 days now and most of what I got was on BIG SALE as I call it. And leaveing everything off during the day also has helped on the power bill. I have always kept up with the bills also and went without eating at times so I could pay bills here in the can. I just don't get in how some people can just blow off work and go "Hunting" instead of working. And after what was pulled with me the last time I am totally backing off and I don't need to be cut down at the ankles for trying to be cheap anymore by someone that spends money like water then blameing me for it. When someone stands in my kitchen and tells me he makes more in a month than I will see in a life time I was done right then and there. And I pretty much knew that his gas bill at the time was over 4 grand at that point. All I could do was shake my head at the time and after that he lost my respect out of life.