Monday, November 16, 2009

Sitting here and waiting

Now I put an order out for something and it will be here by thrusday afternoon.  I will keep up with the orders also for my household.  Cheaper than cheap all purpouse sauce dang straight now and a taste of home.  Just like Amhurst/Buffalo is the anchor bar with Ted's hot Dogs.  St. Louis is Ted drews and CountryBob's all purpous sauce.  Well I will never forget about a baby and my puppy eating frozen custard togeather.  It is like hand in hand from St. Louis like the hill also.  The Mother of the baby freaked out the father thought it was funny.  The Hippy and I both offered another cone to the baby to eat and the other to share.  Annie was about 4 months old if that at the time the baby was maybe 2 if 2 and a half.  One of the days you wish you had a camera on hand.  Both shareing at the same time.  Now the baby has to be about 15 and just as sweet as he can also to other than his parents.  The joys of traveling to home now.  As I told my Momma that dog will wait on her no matter what and I was right the last time I was home.  And one child from the school across the street that the dog loved.  Now the boy knows who I am talking about with the beagle border collie mix.  From the christian school.  The poor dog laid there in the heat of the day untill the boy came out in the wheel chair and greated him to go home.  All the nice memories of what whent on besides the funeral for that year.  I did the math and it dident cost any more than a plane ride to Lambert Air Port from Niagara international.  Or Buffalo International.  Between food and gas the Hippy and I did good.  A fully loaded car/van took about 15 hours to get home.  And that was with 2 gallons of  bbq sauce to boot along with other things.  At 5.5% tax insted of 7% Gee I wander why I did all the shopping for dry balk down in Illinois.  Just like NY state goes to PA. every so often for the cheaper prices on everything except milk.  It was 5 dollars more a carton of smokes for the good ones of course I ran out before the 2 weeks were up.  So did my Cousin who is old enough to do the same as I can.  Ok so we both hit the bar for the hockey playoffs.  We both walked for the most part in town that is how close everything is.  Unlike Punxey PA.  The movie Ground Hog's day is so true untill the crazy 8 sale went and the 2 for 1 at the slaughter house also went on.  Nothing changes at all even the springs that poke you in the middle of the back at the Pantall Hotel don't even change.  The bar is and was good.  They gave me a hangover at midnight so a BIG THANX to the barmaid there.  Alot of the times the small towns of PA alot of places you can walk to.  Like the main Funeral Home is on the next block in Punxy from the hotel eather one.  So If you are in a small town sorry about this post.  If you are not related to half the town it is ok.  I am the exception of I know Half of Punxey Pa and the other half loves me.  The folks down there know if I am cleaning yes I have the radio going to the point of it not bothering anyone else and if it is tell me PLEASE.  I will turn it down.  That is why I do not have some spoiled brat at this point.  Liberty Ann and Docsaplaya Should get togeather some day.  They are both spoiled rotten Brats who don't have a clue about the real world out side of makeing folks misserable.  So yes I have went cheap at my own terms and like it at my own pace of things.  So if Doc if you are reading this Liberty Ann is 18 and as much as trash as you are so have fun.