Thursday, November 12, 2009
Love some at walmart
Some of the girls over at Walmart are my favorites of all times. They ran out of the Glutain that I use for the homemade bread. Some wanted to come to my place for a home cooked meal after work today also. After working for a sertien place you pretty much know everyone that works near you. I need gluten for my bread and since I was at the Walmart Super Center i figured I would pick one up today low and behold they were out. It will be Monday before they have any and that is fine by me. Gives some of us a couple of days to get back there to get more for bread. Now if my baby brother was here I woulden't be asking for it at all. Autisum hit me and a few others. My baby brother is just plain Cool Beans to me. Even though he is a total Man and bigger than I am now. There is 11 years between us he is still a baby to me. He also knows that Sissy loves him eather way nomatter what. And so does bubbs. My baby with the steal grey eyes is my heart eather way. And my red head that we found under a rock. I love them both eather way. They both were and still are my doll babies in life. And even though our dad was rough on all 3 of us We have each other eather way. Unlike some folks that I know that are crule in real life. Never underguesstamate the person whom you never walked a mile in thier shoes at all and treat everyone as angels in your life. Becuase they may be angels and you never know it. I am the type of person who will give you the shirt off my back untill you stab me more than once. I know what it means to have a rotten family and then some from 4 sides of the fince poast. I will be the black sheep out of the family eather way but I have to listen to my heart and soul first before anything.