Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Today is a good day
I paied the lot rent today. And it was all cool at the office when I wlaked in. Some of us have common grounds here in the trailer park. I t was nice and I saved more money today also. I really need to be stricter on myself on the what time to get on the computer but can't help the rush addict that i am over the radio. Now all rush needs is to be cheap like the rest of us and go from there. Now that I confessed my gut thought to someone she confirmed that I was the right one and I confermed what sh had totally thought on The "Doc" Howards chat room. Hypothisis now what can you say to me. I was wright on the gut feeling. I got out long enough to pay the lot rent since to some I am trailer trash and no skin off my nose nor toush. The rent is 345 and a morgage payment to some folks out there today. Gee shootings or stupid children on the neighborhood I think of breaking knee caps for stupidity more than digging another bullit out of my flesh once again. And the management looked my way for the boy skipping school as normal. i asked her to get checked for head lice knowing of why and how. Karoseen and a match anyone. Or gas for that matter. As the management for the park the woman admitted I was calm and colective on the matter in the cards that was delt. Yes I could make life Hell for anyone but why bother in the long run. So I will keep to myself and go from there. I have learned over the years that "Doc" is a user and abuser in real life. Some men like Thick women some like skinny women so on and so forth. I am ok with myself and men pay mind to what i know in life and love a great cook also. I cook on the cheap and from scratch and like it like that. So now I will do as I please and go cheaper if people like it or not. I will keep you all posted on the cheap thoughts and just plain cheapness. Have fun and play even harder.