Saturday, November 28, 2009
What a mess at the one corner
The Hippy and I went out today and what a mess for traffic at the junction of 62 and the 190 right down the street. Looking at the auction houses that are for the city of Niagara Falls. Now I do not want the inner city at all. But the crazy lady will prevail out of myself anywhere I go. I just can't stand where I am now it is way to small to do anything. I have become creative on the storage thing thru the years I will admit to that much. And more outlets for the kitchen of course. Now yesterday morning while the Hippy and I were at Target he picked up another ice cream maker hopeing it would majicly appear as another mixing bowl for the Kitchenaid that I have. The ice cream maker works wanders for my place during the hot days of summer I will admit to it. The poor stand mixer started hollering back at me kinda well it dident stop for about 24 hrs almost with me cooking and bakeing. Now if Kitchenaid made a bread maker I would be in heaven. I have had the stand mixer from Kitchenaid for a year and a day now and the appliance has pulled thru more times than the hand mixers that I have had over the years. I will say it is one of the best appliances that I have bought other than the Convection oven during the hollidays. With the Quaker Parrot I have to watch the pots and pans now in what I use. And the ones that I have left I can't over heat at all becuase the tefflon affects Olliver. It just tears me up when he goes into a seasure. And yes he had 2 today not as bad as they have been though. It is wierd becuase Olliver is my cooking buddy with everything and the vac buddy. Along with the 2 mouches out of the kitchen of course the dog and cat. I have never seen a dog and a cat go at it over a piece of cheese cake untill the hollidays when I do make cheese cake or dental sergery. I will take the philly cheese cake filling and eat it like that after teeth pulled so a BIG THANKS to the Kraft company the last go around. So the 2 lbs of taters and what goes into it was enough for the dinner and leftovers the mixer did help and enough room for a bit more. Ok folks have fun and play even harder the auction isent untill December 15 and I will be there with bells on.