Friday, November 13, 2009
Today is gonna be bad
Well the middle of the month and the Hippy has to call the termanal once again. An hours drive out there and an hour back. Have to fill the gas tank as normal. Well with the holidays coming up the gas prices are going up again all over. One nice thing about shopping over at Tops Supermarket is the points you earn for gas. You spend like 100 dollars they knock off 10 cents off the gas prices. Pluss they double the coupons up to 99 cents also. Bad part is they do not take internet printed coupons. And with the one National fuel office closeing I will be paying the dollar every time I pay the bill again over at Tops. So I will do some shopping once again also over there since I am there anyway to pay some bills and to do the banking also. Anyway I did find some free samples yesterday and I am hopeing to get more done today once again. It will be nice when I get the tote full of free stuff. And it wont be to hard to do niether. So now off to find more and see what I can get for today. Have fun and play even harder.